This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

BCGEU/NUPGE members have not taken the decision to strike lightly. Members are seeking a fair and reasonable settlement. The main issues are wages and employer demands for concessions.

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The outstanding issues are job security, contracting out of bargaining unit work, scheduling and availability. Monetary issues also remain unresolved. UPDATED

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Improved sick leave language saves members short-term disability payments.

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More specialized health care positions needed to ensure access to health care.

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Support workers ratify contract at Mount St. Vincent.

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Striking workers want to send a clear message to the B.C. government: stop putting the squeeze on community living and other community-based social services!

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“It is time for the Saskatoon Health Region to be more accountable to the public and policymakers for its under-staffing of addictions and mental health services, and the unfair pressure this creates on other public services, including the police.” - Karen Wasylenko President Health Sciences Association of Saskatchewan

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New report from Canadian Labour Congress says tax freedom day is coming earlier for the country's corporations, thanks to aggressive government tax cuts.

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Union calling on new leader of Ontario Liberal Party to make fairness the guiding principle of her government when she becomes the province’s first-ever female Premier.

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MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky sits down with Aboriginal activist Michael Redhead Champagne to discuss the Idle No More movement and talk about why the federal government is being asked to “re-set” the relationship with Aboriginal peoples in this country. 

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In an article in the Chronicle-Herald the provinces' Finance Minister, Maureen MacDonald, states that “the government has no interest in privatization”. 

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Twenty-five years ago, on January 28, 1988, the Supreme Court of Canada overturned our country’s criminal abortion law in historic decision that gave women the right to abortion on request without restrictions.

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Common Causes launches in communities across Canada January 28.

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"Our Sisters are on the frontlines of the struggle to reduce income inequality everyday. Our union and the movement is stronger because of the leadership role they play in communities and workplaces across this country." — James Clancy, NUPGE President.

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 "We have two messages coming out of government." — Carol Furlong, NAPE President.

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