This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“Concessions included a 20 per cent cut in medical and dental benefits, no medical benefits for all retirees going forward, and a removal of the no contracting out clause, to name a few.”

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“MGEU paramedics were proactive in bringing forward their ideas for building a better system in Manitoba that improves patient care and is responsive to paramedics’ needs,” said Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President.

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Members look forward to progress in bargaining with the assistance of a Ministry conciliation officer.

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“We are not going to sit by and allow any health authority to try to renege on the terms of the negotiated collective agreement." - Jeanne Meyers, HSABC Legal and Labour Relations execuitve director.

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Critical report released on youth and children's mental health in B.C.

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Members negotiate wage and other working condition improvements in tentative agreement.

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“What we seek is a good quality of lives for our families, opportunities for our children and the ability to retire in dignity." - Denise Davis, LCBO bargaining team Chair.

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This one small story illustrates the larger danger of greed unchecked. All of our jobs and all of our communities are vulnerable to outsourcing and its cousin, privatization. These strategies might boost profits, but at a terrible cost.

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“It is clear that the government was forced to act due to the public outcry on the impact of the cuts and that they are also second guessing themselves." - Carol Furlong, NAPE President.

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“We’re pleased to continue with our power stretcher pilot in partnership with the City of Winnipeg, to find better ways to keep paramedics safe and healthy on the job.” - Theresa Oswald, Manitoba Minister of Health.

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Join the protest against cuts to programs at the College of the North Atlantic.

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The ILO decision found that the right to strike is a fundamental right as it is the “essential means through which workers and their organizations may promote and defend their economic and social interests”.

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Improvements to working conditions ratified in first contract by mental health workers.

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28,700 federal public service jobs to be cut by 2016

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“This is astounding,” stated Furlong. “The layoffs aren’t even fully in effect yet and already the system can’t handle the mess created by government’s layoff fiasco.”

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