This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“Pay equity is a simple matter of fairness for our members. And it’s fundamental principle of the trade union movement,” said OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas.

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“We believe that this letter from concerned faculty contains a number of compelling arguments against the cuts to CNA as well as the privatization of ABE." - Carol Furlong, NAPE President.

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“Public safety is at risk if wildfire detection services are turned over to an automated system that has not been proven to work effectively in any other Canadian jurisdiction." - Bob Bymoen, SGEU President.

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“We are looking to the LCBO to negotiate a deal that recognizes fair jobs for all its employees. To date, it hasn’t demonstrated its willingness to recognize fair work for all LCBO employees.”

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NBU/NUPGE working to obtain details regarding layoffs at Horizon Health Network and Vitalité Health Network.

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“Privatization does not work, no matter what you call it. The public pays more for lower quality services. Just think Ornge, gas plants, e-Health, Highway 407 – and now, chemo drugs.”

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The implementation process, signed off April 15, allows for flexibility, including the elimination of extended hours schedules, and for modified schedules with similar or different extended hours schedules.

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Women members: fill out survey and win prizes!

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NSGEU/NUPGE members voted to accept new collective agreement.

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HSABC/NUPGE represents more than 17,000 health science professionals in the public health care and community social services sectors in British Columbia.

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Community Living and General Service workers ratify agreement – Aboriginal Services ratification vote ongoing.

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Income inequality activists never sleep. Check out the ATN Campaigner to find out the great work going on across the country.

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"Earth Day provides an opportunity for each one of us to think about what we can do in our daily lives to reduce our impact on the planet," said James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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“This is an extremely disheartening time for public employees as they now realize that the government made a choice to terminate their employment rather than seek other options which were open to them,." - Carol Furlong, NAPE President.

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NSGEU/NUPGE thanks its members for their contributions in the workplace, in the community and in the union.

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