This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“If this government truly believes in fairness, as it claims, then the province’s corporations have to be involved." - Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President.

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Research shows that Alberta has lost $1.5 billion in tax revenue since it privatized liquor stores in 1993.

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Come out to this eight city tour through Manitoba and Ontario to show your support.

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Harper government more interested in cost saving than providing support services for unemployed.

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“Our negotiating team is committed to reaching a fair deal at the table,” said NAPE President Carol Furlong.

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"The people who work in our justice system deserve to be accorded the respect and dignity that their occupation deserves. They are risking their own lives to keep all of us safer." -  James Clancy, NUPGE President.

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“I’ve been a proud member for nineteen years, and active as a steward for fourteen years. It’s an honour to be selected in this role, I look forward to serving all SGEU members in this capacity,” said Roseann Strelezki, newly elected Secretary-Treasurer.

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Nursing members: Be sure your contact information is on file to participate.

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Rotating strikes and solidarity helped achieve collective agreement settlement.

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Your action can help make a difference for garment workers everywhere.

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OPSEU/NUPGE welcome long term care and IT workers.

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Workers come together to organize against Harper's harmful EI changes.

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How does the Manitoba government's budget meet the needs of communities? Read the Report Card.

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SGEU/NUPGE says new law improving safety conditions for highway workers is welcome.

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"We must ensure every worker has the freedom to join a union to protect their interests. Only then will workplace tragedies be prevented," said Clancy. James Clancy, NUPGE President.

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