This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

"We can be very proud, all of us, for taking on this serious issue. We are not wrong. The democracy within the CLC is flawed. Our motion would have gone a very long way to correcting that. We will not abandon our efforts. With a new team at the helm of the CLC, we can foresee less obstructions in our path in the future." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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"The CLC 2021 Convention will set the course for the labour movement over the next several years internally and externally. NUPGE members will be front and centre in that work." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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The Public Services Sustainability Act (Bill 28) is unconstitutional, as it denies public sector workers their Charter rights to sit down and negotiate fair wage increases with their employer.

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"After everything front-line workers have been through during this crisis, now is the time to listen to them, not limit their ability to share what they’ve learned and have their unions advocate for the changes Ontario needs." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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“We watched as the world’s leaders clapped for us, but now we need them to act for us.”

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“NUPGE condemns the violent and abhorrent Islamophobic attack. Targeting innocent people based on their faith is repulsive and must stop. The federal government needs to step up to the plate and designate more funding for anti-Islamophobia initiatives. They have a duty to protect people of all faiths living in Canada.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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Nous sommes très conscients de ne pas pouvoir remplacer l’aspect « en personne » ou « en présentiel » si apprécié lors d’un congrès, mais nous avons concentré nos efforts pour vous offrir amplement d’opportunités de vous joindre aux membres du SNEGSP, en provenance d’un peu partout au pays.

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We know we can't replace the in-person aspect of convention, but we're trying to make sure you have ample opportunity to connect with NUPGE members across the country.

As a way to keep in touch during the Canadian Labour Congress's convention, NUPGE delegates will be using the program Discord. This will provide space to ask questions, have discussions, and exchange information.

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Letter urges Trudeau to "send the right message to the global community."

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"The loss of John created a huge gap in the labour movement in his home province of British Columbia, across Canada and internationally. This renaming is a small symbol of our gratitude and admiration."

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Public Services International and LabourStart have launched a campaign calling for the Colombian government to cease state violence, negotiate with the National Strike Committee, and accept the requests of human rights commissions.

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"If we’re going to build a fairer society, we must ensure people with disabilities are included in decision-making to determine what supports are needed to live a full and active life.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“This was a crime against humanity. There must be a full accountability for these horrendous deaths. This can’t be just studied and investigated. Those responsible must be identified and their guilt exposed.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“We see you and we celebrate with you. Though most of us can’t be together in person this year, we’re with you.” — Bert Blundon, NUPGE Secretary-Treasurer

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The award recognizes organizations and individuals who played a key role in Canada's 2017 ratification of ILO Convention C98.

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