This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“We cannot go back to ‘normal.’ The post-pandemic recovery presents a potentially pivotal moment to meet the twin crises of inequality and climate change head on, and to build towards a more equitable, just, and sustainable future.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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For a government concerned about income inequality ensuring people no longer have to choose between food and medication should be more important than making billionaires richer.

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"The Canadian government has a responsibility to take action to right this wrong." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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St. John's (19 May 2021) —  On May 6, Moya Greene, Chair of the Premier’s Economic Recovery Team (PERT) released her report The Big Reset.

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Essential workers report feeling unsafe, stressed and overworked. Some also believe their employers are using the pandemic to justify negative changes to working conditions.

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“The pandemic has shown once again just how important solidarity is. Solidarity between folks from different backgrounds, and solidarity between countries. When one of us is suffering, we all suffer. It’s essential that we show solidarity with our LGBT friends around the world.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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We call for respect for international law, and respect for the human rights and self-determination of Palestinians, as a fundamental precondition for an end to hostilities. 

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When publicly funded institutions are allowed to use bankruptcy protection legislation, public accountability is lost. All that matters is what creditors want.

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“Now, the crisis in this workplace has deteriorated to the point that patient care was placed at risk.  We’ve been calling for City and WFPS leadership to step in and correct this behaviour because emergency medical services are too important to allow this situation to continue." — Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President

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"We support the continuity of the strike and peaceful mobilizations in line with the decisions of the National Strike Committee and the multiple social organizations that accompany it." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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Vaccines for all: The U.S. Supports the TRIPs Waiver — where's Canada?

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"The Ontario Long-Term Care COVID-19 Commission's final report has exposed the shameful and outrageous failure of long-term care. We're calling for an end to for-profit care and for public control of the sector."— Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“The National Union of Public and General Employees proudly celebrates Asian Heritage Month. Asian Canadians and Asian people living in Canada have faced an increase in attacks on their community since the beginning of the pandemic. Hatred is not acceptable.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“I am honoured to have been elected to serve as SGEU’s president and to lead the continued work of our union to support members and be their voice for social change. I believe that by working together, we can build a stronger labour movement across Saskatchewan.” —Tracey Sauer, President SGEU/NUPGE

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