This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

CUBGW Local 325 members ratify settlement to lockout

"Congratulations to the members of Local 325 who once again showed Molson Coors that they will not be bullied into accepting a bargain-basement contract." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

Toronto (13 April 2021) — After 39 days of being locked out by brewery giant Molson Coors, members of the Canadian Union of Brewery and General Workers (CUBGW) Local 325, have ratified a new collective agreement. The settlement addressed the outstanding issues in bargaining of shift scheduling, tiered wages and pensions. 

"We are happy to be back doing the jobs we love," said Gaurav Sharma, President of Local 325. "It's unfortunate that negotiations turned into a major labour dispute, since we were so close before Molson Coors locked us out. It's our hope that the employer is interested in rebuilding the relationship going forward."

"We want to say to our brothers and sisters in the labour movement, thank you for your solidarity. Your messages, your letters to the employer, your presence on the picket line helped us achieve the settlement we have," said Sharma. "We never felt alone in this fight because you were with us every step of the way."

Larry Brown, President of the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE), of which CUBGW Local 325 is a Component, commented "Congratulations to the members of Local 325 who once again showed Molson Coors that they will not be bullied into accepting a bargain-basement contract. I commend the leadership team for providing such a steady hand during this dispute, refusing to be drawn into the divisionary tactics of the employer."

This was the 3rd round of concessionary bargaining between Molson Coors and CUBGW Local 325. The new collective agreement expires in 4 years.