This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

"We need more people voting, not less. We need more strigent oversight to prevent election fraud, not less. We need more accountability from those involved in the process, not less. This legislation undermines the entire process." — James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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Sign the petition calling on the government of Canada to work with the provinces and territories to increase the number of good quality and affordable child care spaces in Canada.

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“This is an incredible story that a small group of 45 workers in St. John’s would receive such international attention and solidarity from workers as far away as Argentina, Australia, Belgium, the United States, and across Canada. We are very grateful for the support that helped our workers through this difficult time." — Carol Furlong, NAPE President.

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Canada Post has an internal study showing how successful postal banking could be but the idea was rejected. Orchestrated crisis?

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“Home support workers play a critical role within our healthcare system. They certainly deserve the same hourly wage their counterparts receive.” — Joan Jessome, NSGEU President.

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"These layoffs will only add to the backlog.  When are Saskatchewan health regions going to start putting patients first?” - Health Sciences Association of Saskatchewan President Karen Wasylenko.

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"So now we know what the Conservatives think is the most important reform for our democracy: people not voting.  In their minds, voting is not a good thing.  It is to be discouraged, at least for everyone who isn't likely to support them." — Larry Brown, NUPGE National Secretary-Treasurer.

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Bill C-525 sets the bar so high for employees to choose to belong to a union that if the same rules applied to federal elections, the House of Commons would sit empty.

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Five pre-budget consultation meetings will be taking place across the Province with Finance Minister Jennifer Howard.

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"Making real change and improvements in the child welfare system is going to require the will of the B.C. government and a much more strategic action and investment plan for recruitment, health and safety, and retention of frontline workers." — Darryl Walker, BCGEU President.

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You can make a difference in this struggle for fair treatment in the workplace, and especially as FloraHolland reorganizes its business, by sending an email to FloraHolland Directors.

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Report shows that many people supervised by for-profit probation companies wouldn’t be on probation to begin with if they had more money.

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Think tank calls on feds to alleviate income inequality, not make it worse.

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“With Social Impact Bonds, if a project fails, charitable donations will go to a company that made $7.9 billion in 2012,” said James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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Improvements in this collective agreement demonstrate how valuable community health care workers are to British Columbians who rely on them for support and community services. 

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