This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

First responders will no longer be required to prove that their job caused the trauma to claim benefits.

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"Experience with prison privatization in other jurisdictions shows that contracting out food services costs more, not less," according to SGEU President Bob Bymoen.

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"If you have concerns, don't just sit on them. Don't assume you can't have a voice. We all have a voice," she says. Gounder recently used her voice to create a program to improve safety at her workplace.

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“The report debunks the myth that tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy are necessary for economy growth”, said James Clancy, National President NUPGE.

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Proposed Robin Hood Tax rate is very low but would raise between $10 and $12 billion per year for Illinois.

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“Recent statements by the Employers’ Council clearly demonstrate that they have no concern for the costs of health care or in delaying access to health care in the province." — Carol Furlong, NAPE President.

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“These are disappointing actions from an employer who depends on the goodwill of the public and the commitment of its workers,” says BCGEU President Darryl Walker.

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“There are solidarity pickets going up at other home support agencies across the province as our members go out on strike tomorrow and take a stand for parity. This is an issue of fairness for all NSGEU/NUPGE home support workers.” — Joan Jessome, NSGEU President.

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Contract talks completed for health care providers in Saskatchewan.

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“Home support workers provide an invaluable service to our community. We hope the government recognizes the value of their work, and await their reply. These workers deserve the same hourly wage as someone doing the same job in hospitals.” - Joan Jessome, NSGEU President.

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“We welcome the prospect of good jobs being maintained at the plant, which has served as the keystone of Leamington’s economy for generations,” says Robert Crawford, President of UFCW Canada Local 459.

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Countdown to strike action about to start for more Nova Scotia home support workers.

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"Our members appreciated the solidarity, not only of the brewery movement but from people across sectors. The donations, words of encouragement and campaigning for a fair deal helped the strikers keep going until the end." — James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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Imposed pension changes miss the mark, says HSAA/NUPGE.

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Workers in Alberta continues to organize against unjust pension attacks. Join the rally to show your support for pensions!

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