This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Negotiations bring improvements to NAPE/NUPGE members.

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Every day in Saskatoon hospitals there are many patients who are well enough to be discharged, but cannot leave hospital until they can be sent to a long term care home or be guaranteed Home Care or other services in the community after their discharge. 

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A cautious, stay-the-course budget with little substantial change from the previous years.

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While Carleton University has grown from 20,000 students in 2007 to more than 30,000 students today, the number of Campus Safety workers has not increased to match this growth in need.

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“This report fails to show the needed commitment and resources to adequately address this ongoing tragedy – a tragedy that is a reflection on Canada as a whole,” said NWAC President, Michèle Audette.

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In a misguided effort to cut back on costs, Nova Scotia's Capital District Health Association (CDHA) brought in a policy of not replacing nurses’ first sick call. This leads to nurses working short and, in turn, they are putting patient safety at risk.

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B.C.’s 2014 budget contains $51 million in cuts to post-secondary funding over 3 years – forcing colleges and universities across B.C. to consider layoffs, program cuts and student fee increases to deal with increasing deficits.

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“Families and frontline staff who support people with developmental disabilities have made compelling pleas for help to all three of Ontario’s political parties and we expect swift and substantial action,” said Warren (Smokey) Thomas, President of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU/NUPGE).

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“Clearly, this government thinks it’s OK to line the pockets of the One Per Cent, while leaving the rest of us languishing in packed Emergency Rooms or in painfully long lineups for treatment,” says president of the Health Sciences Association of Alberta (HSAA/NUPGE), Elisabeth Ballermann.

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“I am proud of the work my union and the labour movement as a whole has done for women’s rights.  Working together with our allies we have truly made major gains for women’s equality,” said James Clancy, NUPGE's National President.  “As we celebrate International Women’s Day, let’s join together to end violence against women and better help the victims."

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Survey highlights the voices of women survivors and their children and the voices of front-line shelter workers who are incredible change agents within their communities.

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New ad highlights the role of union members in building stronger, fairer communities.

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Actions by governments that encourage or facilitate tax abuses, or frustrate the efforts of other states to counter tax abuses, could constitute a violation of their international human rights obligations according to a report by the International Bar Association.

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“This legislation is a serious affront to workers' rights,” says NSGEU President Joan Jessome.

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"We're here tonight because the safety and well-being of vulnerable children, vulnerable youth and fragile families you serve is being compromised," said President Walker

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