This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Advocates for the financial transaction tax (FTT) see this as a great step forward.  However, while there is now a political agreement for the 10 countries to proceed, campaigners see that there is a lot of work still needed to translate this into Robin Hood tax spending to protect jobs, boost employment and improve and save lives in poorer parts of the world.

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Charlottetown (12 May 2014) — The President of the PEI Union of Public Sector Employees (PEIUPSE/NUPGE), Debbie Bovyer, says, “Strait Crossing Bridge Limited (SCBL) is looking at using only self-serve toll booths at night at the Confederation Bridge.  SCBL officials point to safety as the main reason for the potential change, however, the union has questions."

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“If Hudak wins a majority,” he says, “It’s your job that’s at stake. It’s your future that’s at stake. It’s your pension plan that’s at stake."

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The fact such an organization is recommending higher taxes for corporations and the wealthy shows how bad inequality has become.

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Elisabeth Ballermann, President of Health Sciences Association of Alberta (HSAA/NUPGE), has written the members that while she is encouraged by news that government is backing away from pension changes warns that members to keep up the fight. 

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Almost 2300 MGEU/NUPGE members and their families took in the free day at the museum to explore the galleries, planetarium and science gallery. This was a record breaking attendance over the average 1600 attendees in the last 3 years.

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"To date, health care employers seem determined to under-value and disrespect the important work being done for patients by our specialized health care professionals. We can only hope that this strike vote will finally force them to come to the table with a good faith offer" said President Wasylenko.

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“Although it’s a step in the right direction, there is no new money for post-secondary or for the ITA,” says Darryl Walker, BCGEU President.

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Even with the election just over a week away, Georgetti is still looking forward to the next task that the CLC will have on it's agenda -- working to defeat the Harper Conservative government in the 2015 federal election.

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"We want Canada Post to show us the secret study which, although heavily redacted, appears to support our call for financial and banking services at Canada Post." — Dennis Lemelin, CUPW President.

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Documentary exposing the real intentions behind so-called Right-to-Work laws gains attention from New York Film Festival.

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"We all know that Ken has proven himself a consistent and solid leader. We know that he understands our challenges and that he excels at helping us work together so that we can win together." — Joan Jessome, NSGEU President and CLC VP.

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Picket held at Minister of Health and Community Services to protest privatization of group homes. 

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"The more conversations we have with our friends and neighbours about how taxes are used to improve our communities and our quality of life, and how corporations and the super-rich need to stop dodging their obligations, the closer we will come to addressing income inequality." — James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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The National Union says that more needs to be done to make workplaces safer.  More employers need to be held responsible for the results of their negligence.  

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