This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“What we're hoping to accomplish with this publication is to promote greater coordination amongst unions to ensure that we present strong and coordinated arguments before the Courts.” — CFLR Board member James Clancy.

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"The employer has an obligation to take measures to minimize the risk of violence in the workplace. Staffing shortages can put the Correctional Officers and the inmates at increased risk.” — Joan Jessome, NSGEU President.

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If you spot the bus, come and say hi! The more Manitobans we meet and talk to about the important issues surrounding income inequality, the more successful this tour will be. 

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If the Alberta government had used a traditional procurement process in the first place, the 19 new schools would have been built already. Instead, students will spend an extra year in overcrowded schools.

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"Thanks to the work of our All Together Now! (ATN) campaign talking to Canadians about the need to tax fairness in Canada, we have seen a shift in how people see the issue." — James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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NUPGE renews its demand for a national public inquiry into missing and murdered Aboriginal women. 

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“NUPGE is proud to be a sponsor of the World Pride Human Rights Conference. We are also pleased to have such a large contingent of activists attending World Pride Toronto, as well as other Pride events across the country.” James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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"We need to speak up before SLGA stores are sold and an important source of public revenue disappears forever," says SGEU/NUPGE. 

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"The goal of the All Together Now! campaign and the Fairness Express bus tour has been to show people that there are solutions to the problems we are facing," says James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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"Two is better than one, though one could be good too. Four or more just lessens the chore, and five pulls it all through,” sings Ben Cottrill, the winner of the Why Unions Matter contest for April 2014.

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“I’d like to be able to find full-time work in journalism, but those jobs are hard to find,” says Why Unions Matter winner Matt Creed. “I know I’m not the only one in this grind—seems like everybody is going through the same thing right now.”

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"Every day we were thanked for listening, for focusing on solutions and for bringing people together. I'd say the tour has been a success in this province." — Felicia Fahey, OPSEU Executive Board member and Fairness Express engager.

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If you have concerns about your experience at a private career school, you can share your concerns with the Ombudsperson through this online questionnaire. The deadline to provide input is June 20.

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Court decision a strong defense of Internet privacy making aspects of Conservative government's proposed legislation unconstitutional.

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To get involved in this campaign and to find out what is happening in your community, check the event listings.

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