This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

There are only 7 days left to register for this culturally significant conference.  Be a voice that helps shape our future workplaces — register today!

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With the appointment of a new federal privacy commissioner, and the conduct of committee hearings on lawful access, the Harper government shows disregard for Canadians privacy rights.

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“Helping our communities doesn’t stop with our members. Every day, thousands of people are in need of blood, we can all play our part,” said NBU President Susie Proulx-Daigle. 

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“Whoever wins the upcoming Ontario election, we will hold them to account with regards to committing to quality post-secondary education,” said Thomas.

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People are thrilled to see the big green bus and to know that someone cares about what is happening to them and willing to go the extra mile to make a difference. 

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"Our members are more engaged than ever to tackle the challenges ahead. They recognize that by working together, we can overcome anything. We are proud of the work of our Component 325 members and will be supporting them every step of the way." — James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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The tentative agreement has language on job security, on scheduling and includes provisions for dealing with disputes.  There is also a signing bonus and new wage scales.

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 Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation (MSDSI) workers are being subjected to an increasing number of violent incidents on the job.  Incidents include death threats and rocks thrown through office windows.

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Paramed Home Health Care is pressuring workers in Renfrew County to accept a deal that will extend the freeze on their wages for a total of five years.

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The Route of Shame takes place during the 103rd International Labour Conference (ILC) in Geneva. A major focus of the annual ILC is to determine whether countries are upholding their obligations to respect the rights of workers and their trade unions under International Labour Organization conventions.

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Incoming Newfoundland Premier Frank Coleman is picking a fight with public sector workers as he moves to privatize publicly operated liquor stores.

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Front-line workers are asking politicians to commit to immediate sustainable long-term funding to end the shameful crisis in developmental services, funding that strengthens the not-for-profit community agencies that provide quality, professional, planned, and stable services.

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Aside from providing good jobs for small communities, public liquor stores generated $232 million in net revenue for the people of Saskatchewan last year. Why does the government want to give that up? Help stop the closures. Write to your MLA and the Minister

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"Latest cuts, $130 million and the loss of 657 jobs, have ripped into the heart of our national broadcaster, so that it's no longer possible to provide Canadians with the quality service they expect and deserve." — Naomi Robinson, CMG President, CBC Toronto.

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Shows strong correlation between unions and better wages, improved workplace safety, and greater equality.

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