This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Impressive start to a weekend of bringing together diverse social movements.  The theme: Build Together—Win Together—The Future Is Ours!

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Report recommending the privatization of beer and wine sales would not serve the best interests of the people of Ontario.

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Developmental services workers join OPSEU to gain a stronger voice for themselves and their clients.

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Recent murders of young Aboriginal women further highlight the need for a National public inquiry.

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Closed meeting of the House of Commons Finance Committee rejected conducting a full probe into reports of politically motivated audits of charities by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

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Panel should also review ministry’s oversight capacity says union.

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 "We know that the provincial economy has been doing well, yet the wealth is still shared by a minority. You see the richest 1% in Alberta making 18 times more than the bottom 90%. This is categorically unfair." — James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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Survey conducted for the Canadian Medical Association finds 95% of Canadians support the need for a national strategy for seniors, health care.

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While the federal government has so far not acknowledged any culpability or responsibility for the accident in Lac-Mégantic, the reality is that there were multiple regulatory failures. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) asks, "Was this a case of willful blindness?"

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The Fairness Express has reached the West Coast and is engaging British Columbians in a dialogue about the issues that matter most to them.

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After tough negotiations a tentative agreement has been reached for the support staff in Ontario's colleges.

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It is less than a week until the start of the Peoples' Social Forum—a joyous gathering with special exhibitions, work and peoples history tours, film screenings, critical mass rally, a pow-wow, street performances, concerts, games, and building new relationships.

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Text leaked to a German TV station raises a lot of concerns for the National Union.  The union is reminding Canadians that there are still a lot of hurdles to face before the deal is implemented.

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“On behalf of these skilled hospital workers, we are able to bargain from a real position of power.” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President.

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Unbearable heat raises serious potential for harm for long-term care residents, and workers. Eastern Health must take immediate action on these issues.

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