This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“Issuing an ultimatum is not negotiating. There’s nothing constructive about a ‘my way or the highway’ attitude to bargaining a collective agreement." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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“In a Nanos Research poll we commissioned in the summer of 2016, Ontarians picked the LCBO as their number one choice to sell cannabis." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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"Why are we investing $9 million of our tax dollars so that some billion dollar corporation from Toronto can make a profit?”— Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President

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You’re invited to participate! Now is the time when we can make a difference!

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From Victoria to Nelson and Kelowna to Prince George, we hear stories of members struggling to pay for housing in today’s market. Our members will be happy to see the new NDP government take action on affordability.” — Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President

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"They do important work, they do valuable work, and they are ready to stand up for their rights and have that value respected and recognized.” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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Send your message to Premier Pallister to remind him that Care Comes First! 

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"The report's emphasis on system-wide strategies speaks to the ability of paid and unpaid caregivers to reinforce each other's efforts if adequately supported." — Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President

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"We have seen the horror that Harvey left in its wake. But we've also seen the kindness shown by strangers in helping each other recover and heal from this tragedy. It's that spirit that will rebuild these communities." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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"As you can see, the fight for a fair collective agreement is not over and we will be using all the legal means we have to fight Bill 148." — Jason MacLean, NSGEU President.

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"In hostile environments like these, it's easy to be frustrated and cynical. But we know that when we work together, no challenge is too big. On this Labour Day, as we take time to recover from our struggles and celebrate our gains, we look ahead to see what more can be done to improve our lives, the lives of our neighbours and our entire community." — Larry Brown, President, NUPGE

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“This study shows that paramedics and dispatchers are almost 5 times as likely to suffer a mental health injury as members of the general population." — Trudy Thomson, HSAA Vice President

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A recent Probe Research poll commissioned by MGEU/NUPGE reveals that an overwhelming majority of Manitobans —86 percent — say the government should release the KPMG report that has guided many of their health care reforms.

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Workers are concerned about the risk of contracting out for both the public and the airport.

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“Right now, our contracting out language saves people, but this new language is a step forward because it gives us an opportunity to save the work and save the jobs. That’s not only good for current staff, but for the next generation of workers as well." — Janice Hagan, chair of OPSEU's College Support Division 

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