This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

As trade unionists, it is our responsibility to speak out and to act against the threats and violence that come with bigotry and oppression, wherever and whenever they occur.

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“Cameco and Silver Wheaton got caught avoiding their taxes. As more information emerges about the use of tax havens by large corporations, it’s likely we’ll find those two companies are just the tip of the iceberg” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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"This is another example of the Minister and the WRHA moving too far, too fast, and putting patients and frontline health care workers at risk in the process.” — Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President

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“We’ve been told that the jails in North Bay and Sudbury will be replaced, but we have no idea when that might be. I’m calling on the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services to act now — for the safety of staff and the security of inmates.” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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The richest 10 per cent of families earn 190 per cent of the average of Ontario families’ earnings. — CCPA report

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Be bold. Be creative. Be heartfelt. And tell us why unions matter to you! 

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“The health care sector represents less than 12 per cent of Ontario’s workforce, but 4 of the top 10 professions reporting workplace violence are in health care. Meanwhile, CEOs of many hospitals and other health care facilities just look the other way while their staff are assaulted." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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MGEU/NUGPE members share experiences as frontline health care workers dealing with budget cuts.

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"HSAA members are called upon to deal with the results of accidents on farms. As Albertans and as health-care professionals, we have a stake in seeing the rate of accidents, injuries and fatalities reduced. Taking these reasonable measures to prevent worker fatigue, to improve safety education and to improve equipment safety will save lives and prevent injuries." — Trudy Thomson, HSAA Vice-President

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"All we're asking for is a fair deal for workers. We urge the employer to come back to the bargaining table with a view to getting a deal done." — Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President

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Public Services International, a Global Union Federation, is recognizing the contribution's of the world's young people and urging support for young workers.

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“Community health workers are trained professionals, and the vital work they do must be coordinated and compensated fairly.” — BCGEU president Stephanie Smith

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“Paid blood donation will harm our voluntary system and puts patients’ health and safety at risk”, said NUPGE President, Larry Brown. “Governments must heed the Canadian Blood Services warnings and stop licensing these for-profit private clinics.

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“College faculty are committed to providing high-quality education for the hundreds of thousands of students who rely on Ontario colleges to prepare them for the rest of their lives. It’s time for management to listen to their expertise on how best to do that.” — OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas

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“The promise of the peace process in Colombia is under severe threat. Mining companies are moving into indigenous areas and paramilitaries are re-grouping to move into areas which the FARC left under the terms of the peace agreement. The situation is deeply alarming, and the government needs to move quickly to implement the Havana agreements and not allow violence and plunder of natural resources to turn the country back into chaos.” — Sharan Burrow, ITUC General Secretary

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