This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

El Salvador community organization thanks OPSEU's Social Justice Fund for the purchase of a truck to assist in their community development work.

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Bill C-4 (the proposed Not-for-profit Corporations Act) increases administrative demand on thousands of federal non-profit organizations and charities across Canada without addressing the critical lack of stable and secure long-term funding.

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Why are several Canadian provinces cutting back at a time when the economy needs stimulus across the board, asks NUPGE's Larry Brown.

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Funds valued at $869 billion compared to $951.7 billion the previous quarter.

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NBUPPE says New Brunswickers will feel the impact in lost services.

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'We can train sheriffs much quicker than police officers and there are substantial cost savings for taxpayers in this model.' - Dean Purdy

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Message to Premier Dalton McGuinty: Please fund our hospitals adequately to resolve their deficits and stop the cuts.

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'We have been asking for these changes for decades.... We hope the government carries through.' - SGEU president Bob Bymoen.

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Western farmers support the board and they need it more than ever in bad economic times, says NUPGE president James Clancy.

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'It means that they will now have protections like a grievance procedure, shop stewards, strong health and safety language and, of course, higher wages."' - Darryl Walker.

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Province demanding long list of unacceptable concessions, including  the issue of sick leave which nearly led to a province-wide strike by Ontario correctional workers.

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'We want to know why these layoffs are necessary and to discuss reasonable alternatives.” - Paula Whitmore, OPSEU Local 535.

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'They make our communities better and our unions stronger.' - James Clancy.

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Publicly-owned Ontario liquor board made $1.35 billion in profits for the Ontario taxpayers in 2007-08.

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'The income gap has widened to the point that the top 10% of B.C. families now earn more than the entire bottom half of families.' - CCPA.

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