This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

'A devastating impact on women, particularly those living in poverty, women of colour, Aboriginal women, and other marginalized women.' - HSABC

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Twenty-five years ago, in 1984, the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) launched what was to become a worldwide remembrance for workers killed on the job.

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'The public system isn't broken but the way the provincial government continues to underfund it is.' - Friends of Medicare. UPDATED

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Lieutentant General Roméo Dallaire receives OPSEU's the prestigious Stanley Knowles Humanitarian Award for his extraordinary humanitarian efforts as UN Commander in Rwanda

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“This award is not just about me. It’s about teaching every person within OPSEU that as a member of the union you can make a difference. All you have to do is say you want to.”

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Vaisakhi marks the birth of Sikhism and the beginning of the New Year

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'This clearly shows a lack of respect for the members who provide police services.' - Joan Jessome

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'If any government wants to kick working people when they’re down, they will have a fight on their hands the likes of which they have never seen before.' - Warren (Smokey) Thomas.

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Urges members to get active in their union and communities to make a difference.

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'It’s brutal, dishonest, economically asinine and painful to observe.... Union wages account for about 7% of the cost of a car.' - Larry Brown.

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HSAA hopes laboratory company will now engage in meaningful negotiations.

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Hands-free devices will continue to be allowed.

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The latest emissions calculations are now in for 2007 and Canada has exceed their Kyoto target by 34.2%. By 2012 Canada has committed to meet a Kyoto target of 556.5 Mt of greenhouse gas emissions, but since 1990 has risen steadily topping 747 Mt in 2007.

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Warren (Smokey) Thomas says convention theme dedicates union to moving members forward.

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Canada has one of the lowest child care access rates in the industrialized world and fees are among the highest.

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