This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

'Successive Canadian governments, including the current Harper administration, have refused to ratify three key Conventions or to explain their failure to do so.' - NUPGE, CTF, CPA, UFCW Canada.

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Private British Columbia highway contractors rewarded by Liberal government of Premier Gordon Campbell despite repeatedly failing safety inspections.

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'Opening these new specialty wine stores is just a way of turning liquor sales over to private interests.' - SGEU president Bob Bymoen.

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Community-based women's shelters look to the international scene to find solutions that help women escape domestic violence.

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Air Canada appears to be headed for a showdown with its unions over the airline’s underfunded pension plans.

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BCGEU survey finds 93% of all private store prices higher than government-run stores. None were lower.

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Delegates gather in Halifax from across Nova Scotia for union's biennial convention.

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Murders, escapes, drug-dealing, overcrowding, underfunding and suicide behind unauthorized strike by thousands of correctional officers in France.

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UPDATED May 5 - 'Health care workers providing direct care – in the same room or in close contact – to SRI patients are advised to wear properly fit-tested N-95 respirators.'

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OPSEU develops an accessibility audit to evaluate its regional offices as a way to highlight all accessibility issues and provide recommendations for fixing them.

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'All they’re asking is that they get a fair and respectful deal when it comes to their hard-earned vacation.' - Peter Olfert.

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NDP MLA introduces private member's bill following tragic death of highways department employee Jim Gallenger.

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BCGEU responds to bogus suggestion by Vancouver Province writer on NDP and beer prices.

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CEP asked the court to force the company to respect an agreement that allows employees with 20 years of service to retire at age 57, instead of 58

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Criticism of CPP investment Board as it plans to provide managers with pay bonuses after pension plan lost $13.8-billion in last year

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