This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Economic crisis brings together public and private sector unions to protect wages, benefits, pensions and basic labour rights.

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'Sandwich generation' needs help coping simultaneously with children and aging parents.'

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'Like a gust of fresh wind blowing through the workplaces of Ontario.' - Warren (Smokey) Thomas.

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Voters across British Columbia will choose a new government on May 12. BCGEU president Darryl Walker says he's already made up his mind. He's voting NDP.

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'We expect Alberta Health Services (AHS) officials to conduct meaningful consultation with our union.' - HSAA president Elisabeth Ballermann.

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To draw attention to the Bonn meetings in June, the Climate Action Network - Canada is turning up the heat on the KYOTOPlus campaign.

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Advocates for safe workplaces have been pushing for more than a decade for legislation that protects workers from harassment and violence. Today, they had some good news.

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"The financial crisis is not the fault of retirees, and they shouldn't have to shoulder a disproportionate amount of the burden because the province's pension guarantee fund is underfunded"

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'Our public services are an unbeatable deal.... we get back much more than the amount we pay in taxes.'

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Green jobs are good jobs. Green jobs benefit the environment. Green jobs will prepare Canada for a strong economic future.

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Elections held at 95th annual SGEU convention in Prince Albert.

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'DynaLife is failing to respect the most basic collective bargaining rights of hundreds of employees.'

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Management demanding that employees accept a wage freeze.

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Five million Canadians provide care for their loved ones with long-term health problems.

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Massive 2005 survey collected responses from 12,200 nurses across the country.

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