This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

5.9 million Canadian workers belong to workplace pension plans representing only 32 percent of the workforce

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'Our findings are frightening. Unless you're Warren Buffett, your family is just one serious illness away from bankruptcy.' - Harvard's Dr. David Himmelstein.

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'Every election, we draw on issues identified by you, the membership, to develop questions for the registered political parties.' - NSGEU.

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The best way to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is not to put them there in the first place.

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'I think we need to look at our whole system and re-evaluate how these calls come in.' - Tim Scharer, Winnipeg Paramedics Local 911.

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Former Ontario Superior Court Judge James Farley, who oversaw Air Canada's 2003 bankruptcy, will seek a solution on the company's pension and other issues

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'Net neutrality is a cornerstone of an innovative economy. The federal government must ensure that there is no interference.' - Charlie Angus, NDP MP.

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Report condemns lack of palliative services for terminally ill in Newfoundland and Labrador.

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'We should embrace the future and the possibilities it holds.' - Patty Rout.

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(2 June 2009) - Canada's social infrastructure is starving for funds despite right-wing lies about the cause of Jim Flaherty's projected $50 billion deficit.

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MGEU is one of the event's main sponsors. 'A great way to support of social justice and human rights,' union says.

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'There is no union in Canada that is better at running strikes than we are.' - OPSEU president Warren (Smokey) Thomas.

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Tri-national Statement Responds to Industry Pledge to Commercialize GE Wheat

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Poor record cited on issues such as missing Aboriginal women, slow progress on land claims, funding cuts to women's groups and treatment of prisoners in Afghanistan.

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May 31 is World No Tobacco Day as recognized by the World Health Organization.

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