This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

'We have to try new ways ... to get this message across.' - Kevin O'Brien.

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'Child care is a critical piece of the puzzle for many Manitobans these days.' - Gord Mackintosh, family services and housing minister.

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Updates and links are being posted regularly by the Ontario health ministry and by OPSEU.

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Poll finds 90% believe chartered banks should be required to cut interest rates by the full amount of cuts approved by the Bank of Canada.

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Farm sector total net revenues increased for the second consecutive year to $3.3 billion — up $1.3 billion.

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Warren (Smokey) Thomas calls on the province to come up with a joint plan to deal with overcrowding, safety and other issues affecting front-line workers.

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Community‐organized Town Hall Meeting coincides with the Federal Standing Committee on Human Resources, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA) hearings in Toronto on June 1st & 2nd, 2009. HUMA is a committee of MPs from all parties.

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The number of food inspectors devoted to monitoring processed meat plants would have to double to do an adequate job, union says.

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'We need serious reforms that improve access to the EI program and enhance benefits in order to help families who are reeling from this economic crisis.'

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'They’re repeating the same old tired myths about what caused the current crisis and what should be done.'

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Join the online letter campaign now. Thousands of e-mails and phone calls are having an impact. Liberal MPs are the key. Let's keep up the pressure.

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$50-million class action suit could involve up to 4,000 employees of company contracted by Alberta Health Services to handle payroll and benefits.

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Union now represents almost 700 employees at B.C.’s second largest casino.

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(24 May 2009) - As long as Harper and his cabinet let the big banks write the rules, we'll continue to have a financial system that's good for them and bad for everyone else.

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'People can’t survive on part-time, temporary, disposable jobs and neither can communities.' - Warren (Smokey) Thomas.

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