This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Pride Week is associated with Pride Month which is celebrated in many areas of Canada and around the world in June as well as over the summer months.

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Unlike funding relief measures adopted by other jurisdictions, workers have no say but assume the risks to their pension plans if the current market downturn continues for an extended period

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The defined benefit pension plan remains intact with benefits protected and no other concessions were made.

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Longer-term response now required to deal with outbreak that may last months or years.

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'The union is pleased to have gained a number of substantial new benefits for employees.'

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'The BCGEU will work with the provincial government to protect public services.' - BCGEU president Darryl Walker.

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'We need a focus on improving access to health care services – not reducing access.' - HSABC president Reid Johnson.

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Harper government rejects or partially rejects more than half of all recommendations contained in the UN Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review of Canada.

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None are assigned to meat plants despite Canada's deadly listeriosis crisis and promises made by the federal agricultural minister.

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Community forums asking ordinary citizens to come forward with 'concrete ideas ... that work for everybody.'

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'Who would believe that NDP orange would cover Nova Scotia... ' - NDP Premier-elect Darrell Dexter.

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'By working together, we can produce real solutions that will strengthen all of us.'

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B.C. and Saskatchewan unions now calling for similar training and safety standards.

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'Governments should underwrite the pension plans of Canadian workers because to do anything else would be unfair and economically disastrous.' - Larry Brown, NUPGE.

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NAPE says home care and support services for persons with disabilities must be addressed in Newfoundland and Labrador.

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