This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Public liquor stores offer better selection and prices as much as 35% per cent lower than private stores.

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Multi-billion-dollar company is wholly owned by the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan.

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Losses renew PSAC’s call for joint trusteeship of their members’ pension plan and an end to rewarding of bonuses to investment fund managers

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Approximate raises of $9,000 and $6,500 won by NSGEU.

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(22 July 2009) - "My heart goes out to all those families whose lives have been disrupted by the fires. I can’t imagine what they have felt." - James Clancy.

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NUPGE's James Clancy says its time for Stephen Harper to stand up against American propaganda and scare tactics.

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Fighting for first contract with giant American company.

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BCGEU calls on Campbell government to live up to its spring election campaign promise.

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Report by the UN Principles for Responsible Investment finds that asset owners and investment managers have increased their commitment to Responsible Investing in the wake of the economic crisis.

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Article alarms the public irresponsibly and unfairly maligns some of the most dedicated workers in Canada.

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Roy Romanow will be featured speaker at event held in conjunction with national Canadian Medical Association annual meeting.

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The Association of Allied Health Professionals (AAHP) says the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Health is refusing to continue paying a labour market adjustment to pharmacists, thus treating them unfairly compared to hospital pharmacists and in the process making it more difficult to recruit and retain pharmacists within the department.

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Larry Brown, NUPGE's national secretary-treasurer, says provincial and municipal procurement policies must be shielded from the reach of international free trade agreements.

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'I am pleased to advise you and other New Brunswick public sector unions that this government will not appeal.' - Human Resources Minister Rick Brewer.

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BCGEU members reject employer demanding wage cuts ranging up to 17% and other concession demands.

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