This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

The elements of a strong deal are still on the table. But, Canada must change its tune if a fair, ambitious, and legally binding agreement can be reached at the UN climate summit in Copenhagen in December.

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This fall municipal governments from across the country, representing more than 7.5 million Canadians, have passed official resolutions acknowledging Nov. 6 as Canadian Community Social Service Workers Appreciation Day.

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Threatening more cuts and layoffs and creating a chill in labour relations.

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7% tax brings in over $100 million a year. 'Where did all the money go?' asks BCGEU's Darryl Walker.

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What do the November UN climate meetings bode for the Copenhagen summit?

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"Presently, the gap in CPP pensions between males and females is narrowing even if it is not expected to disappear completely."

Ottawa (5 November 2009) – The status of women within the Canadian pension system is not the same today as it was 30 or 40 years ago, according to the chief actuary of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada.

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Permission must be first given by plan members to extend the recovery time

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Union accepts request from Nova Scotia Association of Health Organizations (NSAHO) to devote full public resources to the situation.

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Regional offices will be closed in Kelowna, Kamloops, Prince George, Victoria and Surrey next year. The Justice Access Centre in Nanaimo will also be shut down.

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Private delivery of services should not even be considered, says Canadian Health Coalition.

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'Canada needs to have a planned and coordinated approach in place so that federal, provincial and municipal agencies know what part they will play in managing a crisis.' - Sheila Fraser.

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'This administration will not tolerate disregard of our laws. Employers have a legal and moral responsibility to protect their workers.' - Hilda Solis, U.S. Secretary of Labor.

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Plug-ins and battery-powered vehicles will get special carpool, parking and recharging perks.

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NUPGE's Larry Brown says tax cuts benefitting mainly the wealthy are the cause of current government deficits and it will be unfair and damaging to the economy if public sector workers become scapegoats and are forced to pay the price in lost jobs and pay cuts.

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Chronic government underfunding has created a problem for Canadian post-secondary institutions and their students.

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