This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

The Canadian Press is reporting that a leaked internal government report warns that the B.C. health system could be overwhelmed by a surge in critically ill patients at the peak of this flu season. 

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'We all need to learn more about the burden of mental illness on individuals, families and our society and try to raise awareness and advocate on behalf of those Canadians who are suffering in silence.' - James Clancy.

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Occasion marked annually by the International Labour Organization and worker groups around the globe.

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Fines implemented in the hopes of reducing injuries and fatalities in the workplace.

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'Inmate counts at provincial jails continue to significantly exceed capacity – in some cases by as much as 100%.'

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'It means that they're not really interested in the perspectives of Canadian environmental groups and faith-based groups and labour unions and indigenous organizations and youth groups on this issue.'

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Two bills now before Parliament would address serious problems with 2004 legislation intended to make cheaper generic drugs available to countries fighting AIDS, malaria and other epidemics.

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'I want to assure our members that the terms and conditions of the current collective agreements will continue to apply.' - BCGEU president Darryl Walker.

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'These health care workers stood strong throughout the last 13 months and they should feel very proud of what they’ve accomplished together.' - HSAA spokesman Scott Pattison.

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Hundreds of provincial employees expected to be called into service during 2010 Games.

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At the UN climate negotiations in Bangkok Canada wins the first place Fossil of the Day award

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'Over the long term, every $1 invested in quality child care programs returns $2.54 in benefits to society.' - CCAAC.

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Focusing attention on the crisis of murdered and missing Aboriginal women.

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Fines of up to $500 will be imposed for using hand-held devices after a three-month education period.

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'It is now clear that the BCNU will fall far short of their goal of a province-wide application for LPNs.'

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