This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Leaked cabinet documents show government plan for massive increase in oil and gas emissions by 2020

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Pension fund revenues exceeded expenditures by $10.6 billion, representing first positive cash flow since the second quarter of 2008.

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University of Saskatchewan conference to examine Canadian labour laws and their degree of compliance with various human rights treaties

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James Laxer: 'Labour is the source of wealth ... the sustainable well-being of wage and salary earners should be the central objective of economic policy.'

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'Union leaders know that the future of public sector jobs is tied up with the future of private sector jobs and that both are tied to the future of our communities.' - Warren (Smokey) Thomas.

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British study evaluates the real contribution of various jobs to society.

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Canada has come under significant international criticism on climate change. The Canadian government’s primary and most persuasive reply is that the country will “match U.S. efforts.”

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CPP benefits increase by 0.4 percent: 2010 Yearly Maximum Pensionable Earnings (YMPE) set at $47,200

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Proposed legislation deals with less controversial issues before more difficult matters to be dealt in further legislative changes planned for 2010.

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Liberals would also provide workers the opportunity to have CPP take over the investment of their pension plan in the event their employer goes bankrupt.

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B.C. and Alberta governments prefer Ottawa take the lead in pension reform but are prepared to go their own way should the federal effort fall short.

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BCGEU appeared before Canada's top jurists to make the case for provincial jurisdiction of labour relations of First Nations communities in B.C.

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“It’s extremely disappointing that Canada and other developed countries, including the members of the European Union, New Zealand and Australia, are cheating on their targets and proposing to sweep increased emissions from logging under the rug so they don’t have to account for them,” says Chris Henschel, a CPAWS senior conservation manager and international expert on the UN negotiations on Land Use and Forestry.

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(27 Nov. 2009) - NUPGE president James Clancy says Harper is changing Canada so radically that we could lose more than our good name – already badly damaged on the world stage. "We just might lose Canada altogether," he writes.

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Canada wins for an unwillingness to negotiate at negotiations

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