This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

'You would think people would want to know more about this ...' - Dale Orr Economic Insight.

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Passage of Liberal motion crushes Conservative obstruction and clears the way for a third reading vote on Bill C-311.

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'We urge [Michael Ignatieff] and all the Liberal MPs to vote for this bill and pressure the Conservatives to make real plans that make Canada an environmental leader once again.' - James Clancy.

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'Additional inspectors will help reduce the number of hazards in workplaces and, hopefully, decrease the number of Manitobans getting injured at work.'

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B.C. plan to adopt "patient-based" health care funding raises more questions than it answers, says Reid Johnson.

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Demands that the government order SAHO to return to the bargaining table rejected by health minister.

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'The savings will allow the province to begin reinvesting in front-line health services for all Ontarians.' - Warren (Smokey) Thomas.

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Federation says Ontario should consider publicly operated pharmacies if giant drug store chain continues its "attack" on patients.

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Study indicates 'smoke-free legislation' could have an immense impact on population throughout the 21st century.

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Enthusiasm from Europe spreads to Canada in advance of G20 meetings planned for Toronto in June.

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Ontario becomes first province with a minimum wage of more than $10 an hour.

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Study concludes that universality 'reduces influenza illness attack rates, morbidity and mortality at reasonable cost' to taxpayers.

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'The department has clearly said they are prepared to work with all stakeholders.' - Joan Jessome, NSGEU president.

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For every dollar non-Aboriginals earned in 2006, Aboriginal peoples earned only 70 cents.

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Like Canada's Westray tragedy in 1992, the deaths of 29 coal miners in West Virginia could have been prevented with tougher laws to crack down on negligent corporate operators.

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