This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Supports Bill C-308 on behalf of 3.2 million workers across the country.

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'This round of negotiations succeeded in reflecting and strengthening the working relationship between the union and the employer.'

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National poll finds widespread support for a staff association with real bargaining power or a traditional trade union.

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'Many have other health symptoms related to aging. They cannot be easily absorbed into other units.' - Warren (Smokey) Thomas.

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'That noise you hear off in the distance is the sound of (Premier) Dalton McGuinty beating the drum for the possible privatization.'

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Wage increases and other improvements for two groups of employees in Victoria.

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Major changes include immediate vesting of pension benefits and allowing pension surplus to increase to 25 percent.

Ottawa (13 May 2010) – A series of proposed changes to the legislation governing federally-registered pension plans, the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 (PBSA) are winding its way through Parliament. The changes are part of omnibus legislation known as Bill C-9, an Act to implement certain provisions of the 2010 federal budget tabled in Parliament back in March.

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'It strikes me as a bit of a shakedown.' - Adrian Dix, B.C. NDP health critic.

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Lack of doctors and nurses cited in new report tabled in the legislature.

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Liberal Senator Grant Mitchell sponsors MP Bruce Hyer’s landmark Bill C-311

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Bill C-3, Gender Equity in Indian Registration Act, without proposed amendments would fail to end sex discrimination in the Indian Act once and for all.

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'Canadians need real measures, such as pension reform, to improve their economic well-being' - James Clancy.

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'We want a fair deal and we want it sooner rather than later.' - Brent Camilleri.

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MGEU files complaint with the Manitoba Labour Board while employees make plans to picket.

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Federal women inmates are primarily poor or homeless, undereducated and suffering from addictions or mental health problems.

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