This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Thousands of young men rebelled in 1935 against Depression era relief camps and helped bring about a national unemployment insurance system.

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Britain's David Cameron tells Harper that the UK and 'many other countries' will oppose Canada's decision to support big banks and international financial institutions.

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Showing solidarity this year is especially important in the wake of intolerance shown by the Harper government in Ottawa, says NUPGE president James Clancy.

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'A number of outstanding issues require third party intervention.' - Shelley Ward.

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'Canadians are being bilked by their cellular providers while the government sits idly by and does nothing to prevent it.' - James Clancy.

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"We have no interest in a system that provides reasonable retirement security for some but doesn't for the majority of Canadians."

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Protesting replacement of existing homes with private long-term care at an Extendicare facility.

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Decision follows adoption of 2009 OPTrust statement on responsible investing.

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Municipal social services are overwhelmed by demand and a new model of funding must be found.

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'This Committee will be working with staff to design and implement a campaign to protect public services and the jobs of those who deliver them.'

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'Our message on this is clear: selling off any of Ontario’s assets, including the LCBO, is foolish.'

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NSGEU president Joan Jessome says it appeared the employer was planning a lockout all along.

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James Clancy says political pressure is needed to reverse Stephen Harper's decision to oppose a global tax on banks and support instead wealthy bankers and foreign financial institutions.

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'Every dollar the government invests in child care has the potential to return $2.54.'

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OPSEU continues to have serious reservations about an ongoing review of Ontario's workplace health and safety system.

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