This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Workers at colleges and institutes, including instructors and support staff, will meet for a two-day meeting in Ottawa.

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NUPGE's National Secretary-Treasurer, Larry Brown, examines the links between free trade deals, the current state of the Ontario economy and the recently released report by economist Don Drummond.

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A simple remedy: Let’s just all pay our fair share.

Ottawa (22 Feb. 2012) - The latest edition of the National Union of Public and General Employees' (NUPGE) newsletter, the ATN Campaigner, is reaching thousands of Canadians across the country this week.

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“British Columbia already has the leanest provincial public sector in Canada. But this government continues to slash,” says Darryl Walker, President of the BCGEU/NUPGE.

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A new documentary released by the New Brunswick Union of Public and Private Employees (NBUPPE/NUPGE) provides an inside look at the 38-day lockout of workers at Moosehead Breweries in Winter 2011 and the union's innovative approach to settle the dispute.

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A donation from the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) has helped push the fundraising efforts for the Migrant Workers Family Support Fund past the $70,000 mark.

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There are potentially billions in savings that could help save Ontario's environment.

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“Mr. Drummond wants to take an axe to public services, ignore tax fairness, and actively kill jobs by taking money out of communities." Warren (Smokey) Thomas, President OPSEU/NUPGE

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Newly released audit predicts increased number of inmates into prisons that are already overcrowded and a justice system that is seriously underfunded. 

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"Growing income inequality is one of the greatest challenges facing Canada," says James Clancy, NUPGE National President. "A Fairness Test would ensure that public policy choices in future federal budgets reduce the problem, not make it worse."


2 February 2012

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"Harper and his government are not being tough on crime, they are being dumb on crime," says James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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"Greg was a wonderful human being, a strong leader and a shrewd strategist," said James Clancy, NUPGE National President.  

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Warrantless access to your online identity and activities is a breach of your fundamental right to privacy. This is the month devoted to softer feelings, why not  Send Vic Toews a Valentine .

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Courts to decide on whether comparable child and family services for children on First Nations are significantly less funded than for those off-reserves.

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National Union urges Ministers of Health to take strong action to build and expand upon a national publicly funded and delivered mental health system.

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