This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“A large portion of our members’ roots are in rural Saskatchewan, and we are proud to support 4-H members in giving back to their communities,” said SGEU President Bob Bymoen.

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New wireless Code of Conduct reduces and caps some fees but doesn't address the issue that Canada still pays some of the highest fees for celluar and data services in the world.

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New Brunswick Premier says cuts are about ensuring access to health care services. Not possible when you cut jobs, says community and labour groups.

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Six Ontario unions host forum on income inequality, its roots and the solutions.

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The Robin Hood Tax campaign in the UK steps up efforts by lobbying local councils to demand the government implement a financial transaction tax.

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Think before you eat and help save our planet.

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Unions preparing to respond to the government in the United Kingdom's decision to privatize up to 70% of nation's probation and parole services.  


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“Our new contract is one element in our fight for good jobs, and that’s a fight that’s going on across Ontario." - Denise Davis, OPSEU LBED Bargaining Chair.

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The New Brunswick government has made serious cuts to sectors like health care which will have a negative impact on the quality of life and access to services for residents across the province.

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This year, the theme is “Homes, Not Housing,” which certainly strikes a chord with all members of the Nova Scotia Government & General Employees Union (NSGEU/NUPGE).

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Canada's Privacy Commissioner testified this week she continues to have concerns about the personal privacy violations contained in the bill.

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"Alberta could reform its broken tax-and-revenue system and generate another $10 billion a year – and still have the lowest taxes in Canada." - Elisabeth Ballermann, HSAA President.

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Public service members of SGEU/NUPGE ratify new agreement.

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"In every way we stand ready to offer our support to those now grieving." - Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President.

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"Discrimination seems to be part of their business plan,” says Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President.

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