This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Ballots and meeting information will be mailed out shortly.

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OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas said a strike vote taken by the employees earlier this month likely set the stage for a quick settlement.

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"Our message remains clear. This bill is unnecessary, undemocratic and it undermines labour's relationship with employers. It shouldn't see the light of day." — James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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Barry Rhodes' story reflects how B.C. Corrections failed to address working conditions that led to his post-traumatic stress disorder. 

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"If new attacks on your pension security are launched by the government, we'll mobilize to deal with them." — Gil McGowan, Chair, Alberta Labour Coalition on Pensions.

Edmonton (23 Sept. 2014) — Albertans who have been fighting to protect public pension plans can breathe a sigh of relief this week. Jim Prentice, the new Premier of Alberta, has prorogued the Legislature, and by doing so, killed controversial Bill 9 and Bill 10. 

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Vince Murray, the founder and first President of the Canadian Peace Officers Memorial Association (CPOMA), and an activist with OPSEU/NUPGE has passed away, leaving a strong legacy for all of Canada's peace officers.

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Without the right to dissent, democracy is made impossible.

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"Bill 8 is a slap in the face to agriculture workers in Quebec. It gives employers permission to just listen and then ignore whatever concerns workers raise," says UFCW Canada National President Paul Meinema.

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OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas commends the bargaining team and staff for their work at the table and in preparing for arbitration.

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These corporate driven trade deals are dangerous for public services, and protect multinational companies from government control. When the public learns what they are really about, they will not accept them." — Larry Brown, NUPGE National Secretary-Treasurer

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"Thank you for honouring some of the issues we all care so much about with your time and with your words." - James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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Paid leave, wage increases, replacement clothing allowance are all improvements negotiated during this round of collective bargaining.

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New report finds that poor and marginalized groups do not get necessary dental care due to cost. 

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After five years without a wage increase, BCGEU/NUPGE members of the Native Court Workers and Counselling Association of B.C. are demanding parity. 

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“Ontario wants to transfer more responsibility to this sector, but the private for-profit operators have shown little interest in providing a stable workforce to keep patients out of hospital,” says Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President.

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