This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

"Creating tax fairness, good jobs, quality public services and strong labour rights in our country will create new opportunities for people. Our goal is to create a movement to push these priorities forward to force governments to stop ignoring the issue of income inequality and to commit to real action." — James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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“This employer needs to understand unequivocally that we’ll take job action if they’re not serious about negotiating a decent and just contract. The fact that many of their workers have gone more than a decade without a wage increase is scandalous.” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President.

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We can't tackle the problem of growing income inequality if we are systematically tieing the hands of students, forcing them into a life of debt and poverty. What kind of national strategy is that?" — James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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The agreement to allow full searches of the institution is a step forward but underlying problems of over-crowding, low staffing, inadequate training and lack of security equipment remain.

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The ILO, OECD and World Bank's joint report to G20 Labour Ministers stresses that “income inequality cannot be ignored by the G20 if stronger, sustainable and balanced growth is the objective.” 

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In 2012, nearly 800,000 Canadians reported that their home health care needs were either unmet or only partially met.

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“It appears that home support staff earning as little as $12.88 per hour in Canada are being asked to pay the price for Extendicare’s business decisions in the U.S.,” says Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President.

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Across the country, people are joining the online day of action to Stop the Internet Slowdown to defend Net Neutrality . Net neutrality is the principle that all Internet traffic be treated equally, regardless of origin, destination, or application type).

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The Fairness Express bus kicks off on September 15 and continues until October 11. Check out the schedule to see when it comes to your community or follow along online

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Supporters of postal delivery want to know why Canada Post and the Conservative government could not wait until the review of the Canadian Postal Service Charter — a public and accountable consultation process — before rushing to gut public postal services. 

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Hoping to make positive change and tell the story of from the perspective from the front-lines, HSABC/NUPGE compiled a number of their insights in a recent submission to the B.C. government's Select Standing Committee on Children and Youth.

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"The air we all breathe in the region is cleaner because of your work," says BCGEU/NUPGE as workers begin to receive termination notices as B.C.'s AirCare winds down.

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“From the beginning, the Ministry resisted making changes. Now, lives have been lost and the very people who raised the concerns are being fired. This is heart-breaking on all levels.” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President.

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On September 8, the Manitoba government is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the province's Home Care Program and proclaiming Manitoba Home Care Week.

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Vote scheduled for NSGEU/NUPGE members employed by the Elizabeth Fry Society on renewed collective agreement.

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