This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“There seems to be money for everyone but the front-line staff. There is $7.5 million for the new MYS headquarters under construction, money for raises for senior officials at MYS, and enough to give the Premier a raise.”  — Michelle Gawronsky, President of MGEU

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 “Young workers are a politically-conscious group and increasingly active in their unions. Their leadership in workplaces and unions will shape the future of work and how we respond to the precarious economy.” — Hassan Yussuff, President of the CLC. 

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The BCGEU is urging British Columbians to join them in ensuring alcohol is sold responsibly in communities by visiting the site Reconsider Grocery Store Liquor Sales (link is external) and sign up to be notified when the issue comes to your council.

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“I want to wish them, and all those involved, all the best in their ongoing battle to contain the fires that continue to burn and acknowledge and thank them for their professional work, dedication, and service.”— Jason MacLean, President of NSGEU 

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“We are delighted to offer these scholarships each year to recognize the outstanding talent of the youth of our province and our union.” — Jerry Earle, President of NAPE

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The collapse of the Heron Road Bridge remains one of the single largest construction workplace disasters in Ontario and one of the biggest in North America. On that fateful afternoon, nine workers lost their lives, more than sixty were injured altering numerous lives forever.

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It is estimated that the use of tax havens is costing federal and provincial governments at least $7.8 billion in lost tax revenue. Low and middle income Canadians are the ones paying for that missing $7.8 billion in tax revenue.

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“The Liberals have been looking everywhere for ways to cut corners, but to target kids with disabilities is absurd. These schools are addressing systemic barriers so that all children have opportunities when they grow up. How can we deny any kid that basic right?” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, President OPSEU

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"A major issue for our rural diagnostic health care professionals is recruitment and retention, and being understaffed because jobs are not being filled. These professionals are having to work too much overtime and then have to be on call — it’s exhausting and isn’t sustainable.” — Michelle Gawronsky, President MGEU

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Last month’s announcement that Nova Scotia will be paying another $12.9 million for two schools built through P3 privatization schemes is likely to just be the start.

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"The TPP copyright provisions, if ratified, could potentially “lead to millions of dollars in roy­alty payments being transferred out of Canada, the increased criminaliz­ation of copyright law, and a loss of policy flexibility for future Canadian copyright reforms." — Michael Giest, Canada Research Chair in Internet and E-commerce Law, University of Ottawa

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NWAC will work with the National Inquiry to ensure that all voices that need to be heard will be heard. — Dawn Lavell-Harvard, NWAC President

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It’s about community safety, and it’s about good jobs. Privatization is an attack on both of those. — OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas

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These professionals, who deal with Manitoba’s most vulnerable young people, are doing this with profound reluctance — MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky

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Many commentators have suggested that cuts to funding for the CRA mean it doesn’t have the resources to take on tax dodgers with deep pockets.

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