This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

"I want to thank all of our members who took the time to study and understand the agreement. We think it's a fair deal for all involved." — Susie Proulx-Daigle, NBU President

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395 activists have graduated from NUPGE’s Leadership Development School

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In July alone, the Newfoundland and Labrador government paid over $27,000 for services already being done in-house. 

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“We need the Minister of Families to explain why his department is preventing a timely resolution to this situation." — Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President

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"This is a great day for our members. They have worked hard to arrive at this deal and we're proud of this achievement." — Susie Proulx-Daigle, NBU President

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"When our members’ communities are increasingly under threat from the effects of climate change, or their children and grandchildren can’t find work, we need to be speaking out.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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"They simply do not provide the same level of correctional services, programs, and resources; they do not save substantially on costs; and as noted in a recent report by the Department's Office of lnspector General, they do not maintain the same level of safety and security." — Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General

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"The government needs to take some responsibility and impose uniform safety regulations – not to mention eligibility for WSIB — from one end of the province to the other." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, President of OPSEU

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"This is a great day for our members.They have worked hard to arrive at this deal and we're proud of this achievement." — " Susie Proulx-Daigle, President of the New Brunswick Union (NBU/NUPGE)

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“Because when staff feel secure in their positions, they can dedicate all their energies to their jobs — in this case, coming to the aid of young people in difficulty." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, President of OPSEU

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“It appears there is nothing ‘assured’ or ’guaranteed’ when it comes to financial support for the disabled, seniors and vulnerable families.” — Peter Gilmer, spokesperson for Poverty Free Saskatchewan

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“When he said what he said he told the people in the shop I’m lesser than him. I know he’s learning right now but people who hold public office must be held accountable. He should step down from running for mayor of this town.” — Jason MacLean, President of NSGEU 

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Small-town business owners in Saskatchewan discuss how the province's liquor privatization scheme is harming local economies.

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"We’ll be watching to see what changes are made when this bill (reforming election finance laws) returns to the legislature in the fall. No matter how long it takes, we’ll continue to push for equal access and influence for every person in this province.” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, President of OPSEU

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New report prepared by legal experts and published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives find that the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) seriously undermines the future of Canada's public post office.

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