This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Workers at 53 Ontario Hospitals voted 92% in favour of the deal.

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“These votes could be counted tomorrow, if Kathleen Wynne says so. After more than 7 years, and 2 organizing drives, these workers have waited long enough.” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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Grandfather of the latest Why Unions Matter contest winner paid a heavy price for trying to start a union, but each generation since has benefited and prospered.

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Vancouver (30 June 2016) — On June 27,  representatives of the B.C. Government and General Employees Union (BCGEU/NUPGE) met with senior WorkSafeBC officials to discuss the dramatic increase in violence inside all 9 provincial jails.

BCGEU/NUPGE pushes for action on increased violence in jails

Representing BCGEU/NUPGE was Dean Purdy, BCGEU Vice-President & Chair of Component 1, Brian Campbell, Component 2nd Vice-Chair, Brandon Cox, Component Executive member and Staff Representative Mike Eso.

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“We are asking management to give us a chance, to give the public review a chance, to keep sitting down with us at the bargaining table, and give the workers a chance to get a fair deal." — Mike Palecek, CUPW national president

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A submission from the Ontario Public Service Employees Union provides a recipe for a revitalized college system that can continue to serve a vital role in supporting and strengthening Ontario’s transition to a knowledge-based economy.

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Delegates to the 2016 NUPGE Convention overwhelmingly agreed to undertake NUPGE’s twin-track strategy to fight privatization.

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Delegates to NUPGE's 2016 Convention overwhelmingly adopted a campaign to defend and improve community services for all Canadians.

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At NUPGE's 2016 Convention author Paul Mason told delegates that “Neoliberalism’s 35-year cycle is coming to an end, but we might also be at the end of a much longer cycle,” he said. “This new cycle might be as revolutionary as the rise of the printing press.” 

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“This entire situation is a glimpse into one of the major pitfalls of privatization of public services — a lack of transparency and accountability." — Jerry Earle, NAPE President

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“Beginning almost 15 years ago, these union members embarked on a campaign for compensation because they were sick. Today, they are responsible for setting an important precedent for all workers." — Val Avery, HSABC President

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“All of you are doing work that is so important to your members and to everybody in Canada,” said Brown after his acclamation. “To be able to say that I represent you takes my breath away.”

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“The labour movement has stood tall on this issue, fighting for the dignified retirements of all Canadians. The agreement announced yesterday is a good start, but this campaign is far from over,” says NUPGE National President James Clancy.

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All those attending the NUPGE Convention should fill out their personal information form on the Convention website at .

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"Values like sharing, caring, love, respect, and taking responsibility for our lives and how we want to be treated. These are the values that define us. They are what breathe meaning into the word solidarity. They are what give motion to our movement." — James Clancy, NUPGE National President

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