This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“Why does anyone need an anonymous company, except to do something sketchy?” says Dennis Howlett, executive director of Canadians for Tax Fairness.

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"This government wasted $825,000 looking into privatizing our registries before realizing it was a bad idea. A previous Liberal government wasted millions privatizing our schools." — NSGEU acting President Sandra Mullen

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"Striking workers at Molson Coors need to hear how much you support them in standing up to this global giant. They need to see who supports them even when we’re not on the picket line." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

You can send your message of support to

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“When the combined assets of the poorest 11 million Canadians the wealth of the two richest Canadian billionaires, it’s glaringly obvious income inequality is a problem in Canada” —  Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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The strike notice was issued after an impasse was reached in bargaining, and the employer chose to walk away from the bargaining table rather than engage in further negotiations.

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The survey is currently open until January 27, 2017. The survey can be found here

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“And now this government wants you to believe that Saskatchewan’s financial problems are the fault of custodial workers making a living wage. It’s time for Wall to take responsibility for mismanaging the surplus and his government’s poor economic decisions.” — Bob Bymoen, SGEU President

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"Imagine, for a moment, that your employer tells you and your co-workers it’s going to ask for proposals from contractors to do your job for less money than what it costs to pay you." — Bob Bymoen, SGEU President

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"In Alberta in 2013, we proved that solidarity works. Many people from many backgrounds came together to defeat an unfair attack on workers. It’s time for us to step up to the plate and fight back this new attack,." — Mike Parker, HSAA President

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Congratulations to the NBU/NUPGE members who have contributed the work this award recognizes.

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"The litany of historical wrongs perpetrated against the Indigenous Peoples of both of our countries is long and shameful. Leonard’s case is an example of this legacy." - Larry Brown, President NUPGE

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"Our work has told us that income inequality is only made worse through tax loopholes like the one for stock options. Canadians are fed up with the government line of "there's not enough money." They know that the wealthy and corporations are still benefiting from a tax system structured to maintain their wealth." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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"Our members were willing to negotiate but the employer wasn't interested. The employer wanted everything gone. The workers couldn't do that." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“SGEU/NUPGE is committed to working with the provincial government to ensure that the high quality services currently provided by our members aren’t disrupted during the restructuring of the health care system." — Bob Bymoen, SGEU President

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"There is an opportunity to bring peace to many families who have lost loved ones, but also to address the factors that have contributed to this tragedy, such as racism, poverty, and sexism." — Elisabeth Ballermann, NUPGE Secretary-Treasurer

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