This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“Last federal election Canadians voted overwhelmingly against policies that fuel income inequality. Now a federal government advisory council is making recommendations that fly in the face of what Canadians voted for.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President.

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“It’s not often I see such blatant disregard for the law and such a deliberate undervaluing of both care work and women’s work.” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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"From library reviews to Muskrat Falls to P3s to public sector bargaining and everything in between, this sort of ‘pay-to-play’ arrangement casts a shadow over the entire political process." — Jerry Earle, NAPE President

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“Our members depend on us to help them achieve the secure retirement they deserve. There was a lot of knowledge in the room and it was a great chance to learn from each other.” Elisabeth Ballermann, NUPGE Secretary-Treasurer.

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Courts protect organizing rights over anti-union Charter challenge.

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"It would be expected that Vancouver’s municipal government, which formally recognizes the scope of the crisis, would put more effort into harm reduction in what is already the most heavily policed neighbourhood in British Columbia.” — Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President

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Molson Coors loses in Ontario Superior Court in an effort to weaken strikers’ picket line. Justice Hainey also dismissed the company’s claim of $6,000,000 in damages.

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We should celebrate this victory, but clearly our work continues.

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“We are very disappointed about the government dropping their electoral reform promise. We were working on this in good faith, assuming the government meant what it said. Trust has been broken.” — Larry Brown, President NUPGE

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NUPGE President Larry Brown argues that the temptation to laugh, even if the laugh was bitter, has been erased over the last few days as the Trump administration issued racist and religiously biased travel bans on people traveling to the U.S.

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“The people on the line know that what’s at stake is whether we will still have middle class jobs in this country.” — Elisabeth Ballermann, Secretary-Treasurer NUPGE

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“The only way a Basic Income can ever work in Ontario is if government realizes that it has to move money from the haves to the have-nots.” .” – Smokey Thomas, OPSEU President

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“Time and time again, the contracting out of services has proven to cost more – both in money and in terms of safety.” – Bob Bymoen, SGEU President

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For a government focused on fiscal responsibility, spending money on a name change doesn’t make a lot of sense. “There’s a cost to this. The memo said this name change will be a huge task, replacing name tags, business cards, you name it. Why do it if it’s not significant?” – Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President

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 “Social services are ground zero for Liberal cuts and privatization in this province, so it’s more necessary than ever that workers come together, because together, they really can fight and win." - OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas

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