This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Watch OPSEU/NUPGE's new video, Telling our stories: reimagining the safety net, about social services and social service workers in Ontario. 

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NUPGE is still accepting entries for December or you can start working on your entry for 2017! 

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Vancouver (01 March 2017) —  When the B.C. Liberals delivered a pre-election budget with uncharacteristic commitments to new spending, Finance Minister Mike de Jong boasted about the province’s ability to make service and program investments after so many years of discipline and sacrifice by British Columbians.

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"Buildings and equipment don't treat patients. Health professionals treat patients." — Val Avery, HSABC President

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“During the last provincial election, the Conservatives vowed to protect public services and the workers who deliver them. Now, we are hearing a different story from the Premier.” — Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President

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"At a time when the government is professing to be making every effort to save every penny, moving this service to Corner Brook will come at a big expense. We just can’t figure it out.” — Jerry Earle, NAPE President

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"This was a tough fight against the third largest company in the industry that was intent on introducing American-style union busting through gutting a collective agreement." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“New buildings and machines don’t actually treat patients. Health professionals treat patients, and there is a dire shortage of them because their pay has not been competitive for many years." — Val Avery, HSABC President

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“This report echoes what the BCGEU has been saying for a long time, and that is, there needs to be more funding and staffing for both legal aid and court services in B.C.” – Stephanie Smith, President BCGEU

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“Our work is protecting society’s most vulnerable children. We can’t give each child the attention and care they need if we’re juggling more cases than we can handle.” — Nicole Dennison McLeod, President of OPSEU Local 459 

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MGEU/NUPGE members negotiated improvements to their wages and several leave provisions.

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“Public sector workers don’t want mandatory unpaid days off, and they shouldn’t be threatened with them, or with job losses, just because this government blew billions of taxpayers’ dollars.” — Bob Bymoen, SGEU President

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The BCGEU/NUPGE is pleased by Mr. Richard's willingness to continue a working relationship on these vital issues and looks forward to working with him.

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“They’re hearing – from people like the Auditor General – about the tremendous waste of their tax dollars through outsourcing and public-private partnerships. They’re also discovering no one is immune to this assault on public services." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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"We have lost a formidable leader who truly understood the intersection of social justice and labour rights." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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