This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

"These new statistics prove that now, more than ever, the B.C. government and WCB must address the issue of prison violence. The safety and security of our members — and our communities — is at stake.” — Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President

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“Building cleaners are the lowest-paid workers in government, and they’re being forced to pay for the Sask. Party government’s mismanagement. Now, instead of listening to us, they’re trying to dig their way out of their mess at the expense of public employees’ jobs and rights.” — Bob Bymoen, SGEU President

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"We know that patients are waiting months for necessary diagnostic testing, and as long as they don’t get a diagnosis that leads to treatment, their physical condition will continue to deteriorate. It is a short-sighted approach to health care." — Val Avery. HSABC President

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"At a time when hospitals are increasingly facing cuts and restructuring across Ontario, hospital professionals are highly aware of the importance of joining a union." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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“This government is making ideological cuts which, in many cases, just make the issues worse. The government needs to make changes that won’t just trigger a crisis in another service area.” — Bob Bymoen, SGEU President

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"Remember, while this is not our immediate struggle, we may need the help of our friends one day when we are in a struggle of our own. It is important to make our friends before we need them." — Scott MacDougall, HSAA Board member – North District 

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CETA was passed with no evidence whatsoever of any benefit arising for the people of either the EU or Canada.  CETA is good because it is good, and it is good because it is good.  One can hear more sophisticated reasoning in almost any kindergarten class.

Ottawa (15 Feb. 2017) — The CETA Scorecard stands at Multinational Corporations 1, the People 0. But the game isn’t nearly over.

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“The LCBO has discriminated against workers in its largest female-dominated job classification for decades, and now that is coming to an end. It is a huge step forward for these precarious workers and their families.” — Denise Davis, Chair, OPSEU's Liquor Board Employees Division

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Ready for Anything―a new MGEU ad campaign―highlights the skills and the types of urgent care offered by Manitoba's ambulance and community paramedics.

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Fredericton (14 Feb. 2017) — The budget tabled by the provincial government in February did not address important topics relevant to the members, says the New Brunswick Union (NBU/NUPGE). The union was hoping the budget would include details regarding the extra-mural program, support for workers and consultation with labour on a variety of issues.

"We were hoping to hear some definitive plans, but unfortunately we're left with more questions than answers," said Susie Proulx-Daigle, President of the NBU/NUPGE.

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"The statistics speak for themselves, but now it’s time for your voice to be heard." — BCGEU

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"We want to say thank you for standing up and fighting for the middle-class. We have your back 100%!" — Debora De Angelis, Ontario Director for the UFCW

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"We're so proud of all our members as well as all those who dedicated their time and efforts to help in the aftermath of the storm."  — Susie Proulx-Daigle, NBU President 

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Flying in the face of the Manitoba government's invitation to find ways to improve the province's fiscal situation, it now wants to talk only about how it can make cuts to the public sector. These cuts may include reduced worked weeks, predetermined wage settlements, changes to pensions and the re-opening of collective agreements. 

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"Our goal is to force politicians at all levels and all parties to come out against privatization." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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