This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Federal government survey provides inaccurate look at electoral reform options.

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Lysyk noted that, in the last 5 years, 2 of the province’s 4 psychiatric hospitals have slipped beneath 70 per cent full-time staffing — the minimum recommended to achieve the best results.

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"First, the Premier of this province made a mess out of our health care system, and now, he's moved on to meddle with our public education system and is locking kids out of their own schools." — Jason MacLean, NSGEU President

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“We congratulate the B.C. government for taking this important first step to implement the recommendations of the Plecas report." — Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President

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"Our goal, and that of the broader labour movement, has been to ensure that our children and our grandchildren have strong and secure retirement security. Getting to this stage is a victory." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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"The Liberal government has an excellent opportunity as it negotiates a new Health Accord to put concrete measures in place to support people living with AIDS and HIV. This means more funding, more research, increased support systems, and access to more affordable drugs." — Elisabeth Ballermann, NUPGE Secretary-Treasurer

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“The government’s Fair Elections Financing Act will give the power of governance back to the people and keep big money interests at bay.” — Mike Parker, HSAA President

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"This will improve patient care and provide consistency, transparency, and accountability in the delivery of emergency medical care.” — Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President

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“Whether northern Ontarians are fighting school and hospital closings, high electricity rates, or to keep Hydro One in public hands, you can always count on these folks to fight the good fight for the public good.” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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"Health care aides in Thompson, and throughout the province, make $4 more per hour than these members, but they all have the same level of training. How does that make sense?” — Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President

Winnipeg (29 Nov. 2016) — About 30 members of the Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union (MGEU/NUPGE) who work at the Nisichawayasihk Personal Care Home (PCH)  in Nelson House are now on strike. The strike began after the employer failed to meet the request of the bargaining committee.

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Weak international response to tackling tax havens costs Canada $8 billion a year in lost tax revenue. But Howlett  says the failure of international cooperation in tax matters costs developing countries $70–120 billion per year.

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Download the updated version of the publication, New Forms of Privatization.

“The findings of auditors general in 5 provinces suggest reports claiming P3 privatization schemes save money cannot be trusted." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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"Continued pressure for funding by Canadian Network of Shelters and Transition Houses (NWSTH) and labour unions has seen results. We must keep this momentum going into the future." — Elisabeth Ballermann, NUPGE Secretary-Treasurer

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“No patient should have to suffer the consequences of this merger by losing services in their community.” — Sara Labelle, Chair of OPSEU's Hospital Professionals Division

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"By not filling these vacant positions, it leaves our current members working short [staffed] and puts them at an increased risk of violence in the workplace." — Jason MacLean, NSGEU President

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