This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

After the government spent 7 years fighting with unions representing workers impacted by this legislation, the Nova Scotia Government and General Employees Union (NSGEU/NUPGE) is calling upon Premier Tim Houston to stop defending the past mistakes of the Liberal government.

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Some of the methods private equity firms and hedge funds use to extract wealth from companies they own have been compared to having tapeworms. These methods don’t just cut corners to increase profits, they actually harm the long-term viability of the business.

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Just because it’s happening down there, don’t for a minute think that Canada is immune from these types of rollbacks. Every year we hear individual Conservative politicians raise the issue of abortion and push to get it on the national agenda. Under Erin O’Toole’s leadership, 81 Conservative MPs, the majority of their caucus, voted to reopen the debate on a women’s right to choose.

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“When people don’t know where they are going to sleep at night and kids are going to bed hungry, it isn’t reasonable to expect people to be proactive about their own health." — Sandra Mullen, NSGEU 1st Vice President

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"May Day is a time to reflect upon the struggles and victories of workers around the world. It is also a time to reflect upon the importance of solidarity, which is at the heart of our movement. Inequality and injustice erode solidarity. NUPGE is committed to greater income and wealth equality and to the vaccine and health care inequality which the pandemic has exposed." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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"John led a life in service to people with disabilities, fighting for recognition and equity. His work at NUPGE helped inspire our members, and others in the labour movement, to work for fairness and to break down barriers. His commitment was unwavering, and we are all better for his efforts. We will miss him." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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"April 28 is the National Day of Mourning and is dedicated to remembering those who have lost their lives or suffered injury or illness due to work. As the pandemic restrictions are being removed it is critical that we ensure that all workers are properly protected, and that health and safety is placed as the highest priority. NUPGE remembers those who have been harmed and continues to call for improved workplace safety and protection." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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"Under the cover of emergency preparedness and worker retention, this government is setting a dangerous precedent by sidelining both the union and the collective agreement, which are there to protect workers." — JP Hornick, OPSEU/SEFPO President

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“Through their solidarity and thanks to incredible support from library users and the labour movement, BCGEU/NUPGE members working for VIRL demanded better — and they got it.” — Joanna Lord, BCGEU Vice-President

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"We can't be more impressed with the campaign you led and the inspiration you gave to others across the country. Thank you for showing all of us what dedication and solidarity really look like." — Bert Blundon, NUPGE Secretary-Treasurer

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“In the midst of a climate emergency, we must move beyond awareness-raising to action.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“If even modest tax fairness measures can generate $16.1 billion in 5 years, you have to wonder what could be done if the federal government took tax fairness more seriously.” — Bert Blundon, Secretary-Treasurer of NUPGE

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" We call on your government to reject the leaked text prepared by the WTO Secretariat and to continue to seek a meaningful waiver to save lives and control the pandemic all over the world." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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New leadership wins with campaigns focused on change, renewal and inclusion.

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The survey findings also underscore the need for Canada to ratify and implement the ILO Convention on violence and harassment in the world of work (No. 190).

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