This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

We must also make space for Indigenous people in our unions. This includes reevaluating union practices and traditions that might other members, or prevent them from fully participating in the union, or from joining union management as elected officers and members of staff.

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The HSABC/NUPGE Climate Challenge will run from September 15 to November 15.

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“This agreement puts us on a clear path to improving the working conditions of Ontario college faculty and the learning conditions of Ontario college students. It’s a testament to what our members can achieve when they stand up for their needs and their students’ needs.” — JP Hornick, OPSEU/SEFPO President

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"I echo the demands of local and international activists for an end to human rights violations in Iran, including the repression of women’s rights.” — Bert Blundon, NUPGE President

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NUPGE is horrified by the damage by tropical storm Fiona and pledge solidarity and support. It is also thanking first responders and NUPGE members (NAPE, NBU, NSGEU, PEIUPSE) for stepping forward to assist. And it calls on the federal government to commit to helping the people of the Atlantic provinces rebuild.

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“It would be irresponsible for our government to stand by and allow companies to enter our province and put our public blood supply at-risk. We are asking Premier Houston to do what the previous government refused to do and stand up for what is right: keep our blood supply safe and in public control." — Sandra Mullen, NSGEU President

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"Forcing these workers on strike as they try to negotiate their first contract just shows they had a good reason to unionize. We need them to hear us loud and clear: get back to the table now! These workers deserve a fair deal." - Bert Blundon, NUPGE President

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“I have been shocked by the sheer scale of the devastation in Pakistan as a result of the historic flooding. And we fear that, with the climate crisis, tragedies like this one will become far more common.” — Jason MacLean, NUPGE Secretary-Treasurer

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"The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) remains committed to fighting against gender discrimination and inequality, including the gender pay gap, today and every day." — Bert Blundon, NUPGE President

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“These women and men have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect the public. All Canadians must remember their names. Our members who are peace officers have a difficult and dangerous job, and this service reminds us of the risks and threats they face." — Bert Blundon, NUPGE President

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Speak out against the end of the improvements to the EI program. You can send a letter to to their Members of Parliament by clicking here

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“We’ve taken our fight to the courts, and we’re taking it to the streets too — to build our solidarity and support the fight for fair collective bargaining, decent work and high-quality public services." — JP Hornick, OPSEU/SEFPO President

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"The CBS Board and CEO have betrayed the trust of Canadians by contracting with a for-profit company to collect plasma in Canada. Paying for plasma has been shown to harm voluntary collection of both blood and plasma. The consequences of this contract could destroy the security and integrity of our blood and plasma supply."  — Bert Blundon, NUPGE President

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After almost 2 weeks of job action and 9 consecutive days at the table, enough progress was made that the committee decided it was time to let our members see what's on offer and have their say." — Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President

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The cynical attempt to promote for-profit health care or pay-for-plasma schemes tells us that far too many governments and corporate leaders simply want to ignore the lessons of the pandemic to further their own financial interests. We mustn’t let this happen.

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