This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“This contract has the potential to improve the ability to recruit and retain workers in this sector, which is vital to public education.” — Sandra Mullen, NSGEU President

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“Today, and every day, we say thank you to our members and other ECEs and child care workers for the important work you do. We see you, we appreciate you, and we will continue to advocate for you.” — Bert Blundon, NUPGE President

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Poverty and inequality are “the result of deliberate decisions or inaction that disempower the poorest and marginalized in our societies and violate their fundamental rights.”

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"There's no time to miss out on revenue, but right now we see people suffering across the country. $30 billion could make a huge difference in people's lives." — Bert Blundon, NUPGE President

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Health workers from across the country urge the Prime Minister to implement a comprehensive regularization plan for all undocumented people without exception and permanent residence for all migrants, including those in low-wage jobs.

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“HSABC/NUPGE members have reached their breaking point. This action plan provides a promise that there is light at the end of the tunnel." — Kane Tse, HSABC President

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"Mental health is critical to our overall well-being. It should be prioritized as highly as our physical health. Governments, employers, and society in general needs to do more to protect and support people's mental health needs. The pandemic has greatly increased the number of people struggling with mental health issues and NUPGE is again calling for action." ― Bert Blundon, NUPGE President

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Around the world, the choice workers face is fighting for wage justice or risking sliding into poverty.

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In the immediate aftermath of the storm hitting Atlantic Canada, NUPGE issued a statement of solidarity and extended condolences to all who have suffered loss and damage. NUPGE called on the federal government to immediately step forward and commit to helping the people of the Atlantic provinces rebuild. Yesterday, the federal government announced an aid package.

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“The hope is that the employer will do the right thing and take the concessions off the table, so we can get a deal and our members can get back to caring for the children.” — Kyle Ross, MGEU President

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"New equipment is always necessary, but it’s people who answer the emergency calls and respond, not phones and ambulances.”— Mike Parker, HSAA President

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“This isn’t some remote history. We’re talking about movements and legislation that happened within our parents’ lifetimes, and in many cases, our lifetimes.” — Bert Blundon, NUPGE President

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Throughout October, as we acknowledge and celebrate Women’s History Month, I hope all Canadians recognize the difference that union women have made in ensuring that Canada is more inclusive and equitable. — Bert Blundon, NUPGE President

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We have a long way to go before we can create a truly equitable society. An equitable society will not happen without reconciliation. — Bert Blundon, NUPGE President

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The Sisters in Spirit is a national event held annually on October 4 to honour the lives of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, two spirit, and gender-diverse people.

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