This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Though less discussed than in the United States, anti-Black racism is present in Canada. While we are quick to pride ourselves on being the final destination of the Underground Railroad that helped slaves escape to freedom, we often forget that slavery existed in Canada, too.

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"Today, we remember the atrocities of the Holocaust where over 6 million Jews were murdered, and the countless other victims who suffered at the hands of the Nazis. That pain and loss continues to be felt by communities around the world and we grieve in solidarity." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President.

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“HSAA/NUPGE has been asked to come to the table to come up with solutions. As the experts in the delivery of emergency medical services we are more than willing to get to work. However, to be clear, HSAA/NUPGE will not be recommending or supportive of any privatization efforts." — Mike Parker, HSAA President

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Now is the time for Ontario to come to an agreement with the federal government on the Canada-wide child care system and then get to work on improving accessibility, affordability, inclusivity, and quality. No more excuses.

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“We all have a responsibility to tell politicians to take a tougher stance on Islamophobia both in legislation and policy, and by providing funds and resources to combat Islamophobia. It shouldn’t take another attack to force our political leaders to act.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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Concerns for health, safety and access to vital services are also growing beyond frontline workers: an Angus Reid poll released earlier this week found almost 59% of Saskatchewan residents are unhappy with Premier Moe’s handling of the pandemic.

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“COVID in jails threatens the health and safety of inmates, workers, and the wider public. Our governments must control the spread.” Larry Brown, NUPGE President.

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“Staff did the right thing by coming forward and alerting authorities about the potential misuse of public funds. They did the right thing, and their reward was a pink slip and a chance to compete for the job they already have, but at a lower rate of pay."

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HSABC/NUPGE continues to be on the front line demanding improved and increased precautions for health care workers.

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"These and other measures to protect and support workers in precarious jobs — and to support the creation of good, secure, unionized jobs — will be important for addressing income inequality and other inequities." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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"HSAA/NUPGE members know who they work for… all Albertans. All we want is to be there when people need care. To do it our members need to be rested, they need to know they and their families are safe, and that they are supported.” — Mike Parker, HSAA President

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“SGEU/NUPGE members understand that many families struggle to put food on the table, not only during the holidays but all year long." —  Tracey Sauer, SGEU President 

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“This program is a great start as it will help reduce the stigma and stresses students may have. Menstrual products can be costly, so this also helps alleviate some financial pressure, and will allow students to focus on learning.” — Susie Proulx-Daigle, NBU President

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“The solutions are clear, easy to implement, and Canada’s corporations can easily afford to contribute their fair share. The federal government should raise the corporate income tax rate from 15% to 20%, and tax excessive pandemic profits, especially from corporations that got public subsidies.” — Dr. D. T. Cochrane, author and economist

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“These cuts are affecting many of the protections our professionals uphold, including proactive inspections, the recovery of costs of spills, and protecting species at risk. We keep being told to do more with less, and that just isn’t realistic when cuts are occurring and new programs are being added.” — Shawn Burr, OPSEU/SEFPO Chair of the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks Ministry Employee Relations Committee (MERC) 

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