This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“It’s wonderful to see celebrations taking place virtually,” said Larry Brown, NUPGE President. “We need events like IDAHOTB to bring a little joy to our lives in these difficult times. It's a great way to bring communities together.”

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“The bottom line is supply issues are governing the day, not worker health and safety. The government knows that if it were up to inspectors, the precautionary principle would be a foundation in any workplace inspection. But plain and simple, inspectors are not being allowed to do their important jobs.” — Eduardo (Eddy) Almeida, OPSEU First Vice-President/Treasurer

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“It makes no sense to reduce work days for staff who are very busy delivering important public services. It is even more absurd to impose layoffs or work reductions on permanent employees with mortgages to pay, and families to support while hiring summer students.” — Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President

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"It is our expectation that there will be an openness among all parties to identify and implement strategies so that BC can be successful in meeting the health care needs of British Columbians." — Jeanne Meyers, HSABC Executive Director (Legal Services and Labour Relations)

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“People need to file their tax and benefit forms by the deadline every year to receive benefits and supports from dozens of programs including the Guaranteed Income Supplement for seniors and the Canada child benefit.”

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"Profit should not be the motive when it comes to how we care for our seniors." — Jagmeet Singh, NDP Leader

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“If stronger measures aren’t taken now, we’re likely to see a crisis in our shelter system like the one we saw in long-term care.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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The evidence has never been clearer that for-profit homes are a risk to the lives of the residents.

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“The safety of front-line workers and the safety of our communities should be our top priority,” stated Thomas. “Ignoring expert medical advice by expanding hours ahead of the long weekend increases the risk of community spread, for what reason?" — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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NUPGE joins CUPW in calling on Foodora and the federal government to ensure that workers and food couriers be protected.

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The assertion that workers are lazy or don’t want to do their jobs flies directly in the face of the tremendous work we’ve seen done during this pandemic.

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May Day has long been a day to rally and march for a better world. This May Day we cannot march but we can rally ourselves around that better world and commit ourselves to action. We must ensure that the lessons of today lead to change tomorrow.

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What makes companies registered in Canada attractive to those wanting to dodge taxes or launder money obtained from criminal activity is how easy it is to set up anonymous companies in this country.

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This year, union activists in Ottawa will be marking the National Day of Mourning on April 28th with a virtual candlelight vigil.

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"We can’t expect Canadians to bear the brunt of this cost while allowing corporations to collect federal funding without contributing to our nation’s recovery"  —  Toby Sanger, Executive Director  of Canadians for Tax Fairness

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