This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Tell the big banks and credit card companies they need to do their part to help Canadian families and support our economy in these extraordinary times. 

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And what about the long list of workers that have been deemed essential during this pandemic? People who work in our grocery and convenience stores, at gas stations, or who provide food delivery.  These are also the heroes we’re hearing about. Would you have seen them that way before the pandemic broke out? 

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The proportion of Canadians who are “very worried” (32%) about losing their income is higher among women (36%).

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“Bullying and hatred don’t stop because of a pandemic. This means we need to keep working as allies and standing with our LGBTQI2S friends, family, and community members. We might not be physically together, but you are never alone.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“We expected a workforce adjustment given the extraordinary circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, but in the spirit of ‘getting through this together,’ we expected more from BC Ferries. These workers and their families deserve better.” — Grame Johnston, Provincial President, BCFMWU

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"This paper is one step of many that NUPGE will be taking on the topic of COVID-19 and income inequality. We know more work needs to be done on specific needs for different vulnerable populations. The problems facing our northern Indigenous communities are going to be different from the problems facing a new immigrant family who reside in the Greater Toronto Area. We want to make sure everyone's voice is heard and their needs addressed. We hope this paper helps our lawmakers to understand the complexity of how COVID-19 affects different social and economic groups and encourages them to take further action." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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"The current pandemic might have been unpredictable. But strong public health systems rooted in a global economic order which prioritises solidarity and the wellbeing of people and the planet over the profits of a few would have made it much more manageable. The unfolding public health, social and economic crisis is a clarion call of history for drastic change. It is now clear that we cannot rely on the market to protect our health." — Baba Aye, PSI Health & Social Services Officer

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Federal government programs to help people who are without work due to COVID-19 have changed several times since they were first announced. There may be further changes so it’s important to double check that any information on federal programs.

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"In Shirley's honour, we will use our collective voices to stand up to governments, employers and corporations that try to undermine and destroy the quality of health care in our country. Rest in peace, Shirley, we will carry on." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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Our frontline health care workers deserve the same level of respect, peace of mind, and protection that is being provided to health care workers in other parts of this country.

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"We need to take care of our health — including our mental health. Music is a beautiful salve for worry and anxiety." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“You can’t provide emergency housing over a video conference. We need to be there to ensure that they get the safe and supportive housing they need.” — Kareen Marshall, OPSEU Community Agencies Sector Chair

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"We need a national housing plan for mortgage and rent relief to protect people from the economic fallout of COVID-19." — Larry Brown,  NUPGE 

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The truth is that young people are not behaving differently than Canadians in other age groups.

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Now is the time for genuine action and follow-through, not simply rhetoric.

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