This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“Repression and violence against workers and their unions must end.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“Alberta can’t afford Kenney’s plan for health care. In the end, patient care suffers as desperately-needed funds are sent out of the province.” — Mike Parker, HSAA President

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The NUPGE paper released today identifies some of the key considerations that workers and their unions should be thinking about when it comes to WFH — as both a temporary and possibly-permanent arrangement.

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“While Albertans have been struggling through isolation, illness, and job loss, and the fear and anxiety of the pandemic, the Kenney government has been busy arranging its attack on working people and their unions.”

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"This technology, which is unregulated in Canada, threatens people's fundamental rights and freedoms." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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Using charities or non-profit groups to privatize public services doesn’t generate the same reaction as when for-profit companies take them over, but the problems associated with privatization are still there.

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“I urge you to once and for all eliminate the problematic security certificate process. It has no place in our democratic country that purports to be committed to human rights.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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When alcohol is delivered directly to the home, there is no safe way to refuse to complete a delivery if there are concerns based on age or the state of the intended recipient’s inebriation.

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The current COVID-19 pandemic has made the need to ban this practice, both in New Brunswick and nationwide, even more apparent.

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"Fifty-three people died at this facility, and their families deserve to know what really happened." — Jason MacLean, NSGEU President

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It paves a way for granting these workers the employment benefits and the respect they deserve.

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The election of 3 labour leaders who were still in prison was a clear statement by voters that it was anti-labour laws that were wrong, not the strikers.

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Brown urges Kenney to oppose the bill that would repeal the Voluntary Blood Donations Act.

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Results will be used by government organizations such as the Public Health Agency of Canada and Employment and Social Development Canada, and other types of organizations, to evaluate the delivery of health and social services and economic support, and to ensure best practices are adopted when reopening workplaces and public spaces.

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The report is particularly timely, given how the COVID-19 pandemic has shown both the benefits of quality public services, and the huge price we pay when services are privatized. 

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