This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

The message that institutions should be broadcasting on International Youth Day is that young people are already here. They’ve showed up. They’re doing the work. They’ve been doing the work for years.

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By scrapping the plan for a P3 privatization scheme the Township of Mapleton saved between $2 million and $3 million.

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“This proves Kenney and the rest of his UCP cohorts knew they had to hide the process from Albertans and, to be blunt, this is the most shameful decision I have seen in my 43 years working in health care in Alberta.” — Trudy Thomson, Vice-President of HSAA

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The death rate for private, for-profit long-term care homes with COVID-19 outbreaks was over 4 times the rate for publicly owned homes.

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“Hiding mistakes means we can't learn from them. Stephen McNeil must show leadership and give the staff, residents and families what they deserve — a full public inquiry.” — Jason MacLean, NSGEU President

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Due to its secretive nature NSGEU President Jason MacLean will not take part in the in the process.  

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“Now is the time for a universally accessible, publicly funded, not-for-profit, and high quality child care system that fairly compensates workers in a unionized workforce.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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For the public, privatization means we’re paying twice. Once to make up for the revenue governments lose when wealthy corporations and individuals are able to use tax havens and then again because privatization means higher costs and poorer service.  

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“If passed, this legislation has the potential to affect health care across Canada, particularly where provisions of the Canada Health Act that prohibit extra billing and user charges are undermined.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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Statement from the  Nova Scotia Government & General Employees Union (NSGEU/NUPGE) and the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) on the need for a public inquiry into the killing of 22 people in Nova Scotia in April 2020.

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"Analysis of the latest Statistics Canada foreign direct investment figures reveals that Canadian corporations last year increased the amount of assets they report in the top 12 tax havens by 135% in the past decade and up $10 billion from 2018."

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“Using social finance schemes like social impact bonds to privatize community and social services means funding that is desperately needed to help the most vulnerable people in our communities will end up in the pockets of lawyers, consultants and other intermediaries,” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“Canada must honour its commitments to human rights for all and take immediate steps to intervene in this situation.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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It’s not good enough to just be not racist; to be an ally—you must be actively anti-racist.

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An excess profits tax, which we had during both world wars, would raise revenues and prevent pandemic profiteering.

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